ISBN# 978-0984431106
March 2010
WordVessel Press
Paperback/Trade Paperback
304 Pages
Christian (Inspirational) Sweet Romance
Ratings: 5 Cups
Dani Davis always wanted a home and a family. Instead, she got a husband who was going to divorce her for another woman. Unfortunately, a car accident ended his life.
Steve Miller is a ranch owner and the mayor of Miller’s Creek, Texas. When his town continues to fall prey to vandalism, he brings in investors to help.
When the school closes for spring break, elementary teacher, Dani, heads to Miller’s Creek to see her aunt. After she arrives, she meets Steve, who refers to her aunt as Mama Beth. Steve is having trouble with vandalism in the town and not happy with the situation. When he meets Dani, he questions why a city gal has come to visit. Mama Beth is surprised to hear about the death of Dani’s husband. When obstacles begin to happen, Dani takes an absence from work to stay with her aunt; an event that does not sit well with her mother. Mama Beth and Steve wonder why Dani does not seem to have faith and want to try to help her. Can Steve be the one to give Dani the happiness that she has longed for, or will another hindrance make her lose faith once again?
Texas Roads is an incredible read. The vibrant characters eagerly spring off the pages and bring their story to life. Dani and Steve are great together. I love the way they meet and begin to connect with each other. Mama Beth is a delightful character. The whole town has a way of making the reader feel like a part of the story. Cathy Bryant has penned a story that I really enjoyed. She brings everything to life in a way the reader can experience all the sensations. I like the part about the masterpieces. I highly recommend this beautiful read.
Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More
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