ISBN: 1-4241-9921-2
November 2007
Publish America, LLLP
111 E. Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701
Trade Paperback
111 pages
Rating: 3 cups
This collection of poems does not have one main topic to them. There are poems about the weather, lost loves, family, and even concepts of being understood. Ms. Whisman paints pictures with various amounts of words. It could be just a simple four-sentence paragraph or it could take two pages. She is able to express feelings and emotions so well that I was surprised at how much could be conveyed in so little words.
My favorite poems were early on in this collection. They were A Dreamer’s Heart, Ever Hopeful, Morning Time, and Reading Between The Lines. Even though A Dreamer’s Heart is not always possible in this world, this poem expresses how to keep trying. Ever Hopeful was just beautifully written. It not only painted a picture in how the words were falling as the word falling was used but it is one of my favorite types of poems. Morning Time is all about enjoying winter and just looking at what it does to Nature. Words used to describe things really had me picturing everything that had happened. Reading Between The Lines captured my attention with the simple fact that Ms. Whisman put into words what we need to do every day in our lives. People may say one thing but it is what they are not saying is what we should listen to.
While not all poems were ones that I cared for, all in all, I was impressed with her ability to write them. I felt like I was getting a peak into her world not only her thoughts about nature but what is important to her in her own personal life. The one thing I wish I could have changed was the order of the poems. It seemed a little bit shaky at times when it would jump from a poem about nature to one about her own personal life. Yet I did my best to take each poem individually and enjoy her writing of it. She is definitely someone I would love to read more of her poems.
Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance
Reviewer for Karen Find Out About New Books
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