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Interview with Elaine Cantrell


Welcome, today we are talking with Elaine Cantrell! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions.

First, I think it’s important for readers to get a little insight on an author that they don’t necessarily get from your professional bio. You’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you start out by sharing some fun facts about yourself?

 What is your favorite:

Animal – Dogs. I have one that I love.

Food – Anything chocolate.

Movie – Titanic. Yeah, it’s an old one.

TV show – It’s on Netflix: Morocco: Love in Times of War

Actor – Chris Hemsworth. He’s dreamy.

Singer – Blake Shelton, maybe. I like a lot of singers.

Author – Too many to pick just one.

Color – turquoise 

Very interesting! So, moving on, what’s a day with Elaine Cantrell look like?

I get up and have breakfast. Then over coffee I check my email and play a few minutes on Facebook. Then I get down to writing until lunchtime. Then I run errands and do anything necessary around the house. Late afternoons are always devoted to walking the dog. Sometimes after dinner I do a little editing. I hope you weren’t expecting anything glamorous because my day is anything but. 

Is it hard finding balance?

Not too hard. I spend my morning writing, but the rest of the day I’m away from my computer. Except for Facebook. I do check it in the evenings. 

When you were growing up, when did you realize that you wanted to become a writer?

Oh, I wrote my first story when I was five. I dictated it to my father who wrote it in pencil on notebook paper. He passed away a few years ago, and my stepmother found it and gave it to me. It’s one of my dearest treasures. 

Did you have to make any sacrifices along the way?

Luckily, no. I’ve had a very supportive family behind me. 

What genre do you write in?

Contemporary romance 

Is there a particular reason why you picked that genre?

Yes, I’d always heard people say to write what you know, so the contemporary route seemed like the way to go. I still have to do research when I write, though. 

If you didn’t write what would you be doing?

Reading more! I was a reader long before I was a writer, and I never stopped reading. I get uneasy if I don’t have anything to read on hand. I like reading on my Kindle because you can order a book and be reading it in minutes. 

What’s the best advice you’ve received with regard to writing?

I was told to write what I love, and that’s great advice. I throw myself into each novel I write. My characters feel like real people to me. It’s the only way I know to write.

Do you have any words of wisdom or advice for aspiring authors?

Just don’t give up. You know you’ll fail if you give up.

Before you go, would you like to share anything about your latest release?

I’d be delighted to. The title of the book is Flood because the novel is set during a flood. If I had it to do over I’d call it Peaches and Caleb, which I think I like more. Anyway, here’s a blurb for you. 

Drawn together by their love of animals, Aria De Luca and Caleb Hawkins burn for each other. They never suspected that malignant forces around them were successfully plotting Caleb’s ruin from the moment he entered her life. When the flood of a century strikes Aria’s hometown, an alienated Caleb is all that stands between her and catastrophic loss.

 I’d like to thank you again for spending time to answer a few questions.

I was delighted to do it. Thanks for having me.








  • Sherry Gloag

    Lovely interview ladies, thank you for sharing.

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