BEN MATTLIN is a freelance writer, editor, and essayist in Los Angeles.

I love to expand my horizons by reading books from different genres. I must say this is the first book I went into reading for understanding and instead found a new point of interview through the lives of fascinating people. Mr. Mattlin tackles a subject some would find difficult but asks the questions which provide the biggest impact on the readers. I love how the romance of interabled couples is discussed and the emphasis on how both parties in the relationship choose to stay and no one considers themselves heroes. If you are a romantic at heart then read about Ben and ML, Felicia and Juan, War Veteran Jared and wife Alisha, and the many other couples who have their own story to tell. I highly recommend the writing of Mr. Mattlin not only because it explores true romance and love, but also because the voices of the individuals can teach the world to stop looking at people and pitying them because they are different.

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