Good morning, Kathryn and welcome to Coffee Time Romance. Please grab a seat in our cozy recliner, and be sure to get some delicious baked goodies off the table. They are all calorie free. Karenne made sure to take all the fattening stuff out. Oh, and don’t forget to slip on the relaxing fuzzy pink slippers. Now, let us begin, the readers are very eager to learn more about Kathryn Leigh Scott.
Kathryn, as an actress and writer, you are a busy person.
Tell us, if you were to have a group of readers to your home for a day, what would they see in a day with Kathryn?
I’m an early riser, waking with the first glimmer of dawn. With coffee at hand and Daphne, my sweet kitty in my lap, the first thing I do is log on to email. I have so many friends in England that I generally wake up to messages and often Skype to keep in touch. With email as a warm up, I generally go on to read what I’ve written the day before and then begin writing. I like to get in 1000 words a day, so a good start before breakfast is a comfort. There are always interruptions during the day I’m also a working actress, so sometimes my agent calls with a last-minute audition. Your readers would find me welcoming because I’d make tea and show them my garden. I’m not a stickler about staying at my desk. I can always go back to work, but I’m sociable and never too busy to stop and chat.
Your latest release, Jinxed, which is the sequel to Down and Out in Beverly Heels, has garnered some great reviews. Would you share, with us, about this next installment of Meg’s adventures?
After her harrowing ordeal in the first book where she loses all she’s worked so hard to achieve (home, friends, career, reputation), in the Jinxed sequel Meg is looking for redemption. She’s on the comeback trail, working in a reboot of the series that made her a star and dealing with the young actress who is playing the role she originated. But there’s also a disappearance, a murder and a mystery to solve… and a romance with an FBI agent that’s very much on the bubble.
When writing of Meg, do you sometimes consider yourself as Meg?
I write in first person, so Meg has my speech rhythms, but I’m not Meg. Wish I were! She’s strong, resourceful, funny, loyal, irreverent, and gets to spout the great retort I would only come up with much later in the middle of the night!
Can you tell your readers what other books you have planned for the future?
I’m currently writing a stand-alone mainstream women’s fiction book called September Girl. I’m halfway through! I’ll also write another Jinx Fogarty mystery set in London, where I lived for so many years. I’ve already completed Last Dance at the Savoy, a nonfiction book about caring for my husband, who passed away after a long struggle with PSP (Progressive Supra-Nuclear Palsey), one of the Parkinson’s Plus diseases.
What does your writing place look like?
I can write anywhere, and do. But very often I’ll write at my kitchen table rather than in my office. I generally sit in my garden to read through my recent pages before moving on with my writing day.
Do you write on a schedule or as inspiration hits?
When inspiration hits, I grab it! But as a rule, I write every day, though rarely in the evening except when I’m close to finishing a book. After my glass of wine and dinner, I want to relax with friends, a good book or a movie.
When looking for a good book to read, what draws you to the book first, the cover, or the synopsis inside the book?
Honestly, the cover and title. Then the synopsis and first page.
Describe your perfect vacation spot.
I’m a city gal and, given a choice, will always gravitate to one of the world’s great cities. But I’m also a hiker and love long countryside and canyon walks… or walking the streets of a wonderful city.
If you could change anything in your life, what would it be?
I’m at a stage of life where I find myself saying, “thank you… “ I feel so blessed, so very grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had. I wish I’d learned to play the piano and speak French, but I suppose there’s nothing stopping me from doing it now. If anything, I wish I’d said “yes” more often.
Is there something in your refrigerator or kitchen cabinets that you must keep completely stocked on your shelves?
Dark chocolate, of course. Water. Coffee. Wine. Cheese. Eggs and good bread, my default meal.
Kathryn, is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Yes, I live by “If Not Now, When?”
Thank you Kathryn for being with us today. I look forward to reading all your wonderful stories. I wanted to mention, you have a well, informed website, and one, that is easy to navigate. Also thanks for all the wonderful afternoons of Dark Shadows. One great show that I eagerly rushed home to watch after school.
Thank you so much! Patrick McCray built my website and I highly recommend him!
Kathryn Leigh Scott, author, publisher and actress is probably best known for her star turn as Josette Du Prés, ingénue bride of reluctant vampire Barnabas Collins in the TV cult classic “Dark Shadows.” Her third novel, Jinxed (a Jinx Fogarty Mystery) (Februrary 2015), is a standalone sequel to the successful Down and Out in Beverly Heels (Montlake Romance, 2013). While continuing her acting career, Kathryn launched Pomegranate Press to publish books about the entertainment industry, “Dark Shadows” fan books, and other nonfiction and fiction titles. She continues her acting career playing George Segal’s girlfriend Miriam in “The Goldbergs” and recently appeared in the 2015 mid-season launch of “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
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