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Interview with JJ Massa


Welcome,  I would like to take this opportunity to  thank JJ Massa for taking time out of her busy schedule to answer some questions for Coffee Time Romance.  Today we are asking Ms. Massa about Love Like Blood, and learn a little about Ms. Massa as well as some more of her works.  Welcome JJ, Thanks for taking time out of your busy Schedule to answer some questions for us.  

I always have time for you guys. I mean, if nobody read my stuff, where would I be?

JJ, The book we are talking about today is LOVE LIKE BLOOD. I read the story and it was wonderful, different from you typical vampire romances.

That’s so cool!!! I think you were in a chat where I said that this book is very personal to me. It means so much to me that you liked it and that you found it different.

Is it true the heroine characteristics are based on yours?

Yes, it is. Juliana is a lot like me, there’s no denying that. She writes, she’s blind and has MS as I do. She’s pretty strong willed, too. She does the best she knows how to do — whether it’s good enough or not.

What made you think of using yourself, or I should say your characteristics?

I started it one day when I was feeling particularly impatient with the world of science. I felt bad and there just wasn’t anything I could do about it. While there are a lot of good therapies out there to help people with this disease, there is no cure for Multiple Sclerosis – except maybe a vampire. And that made me think…

JJ, in your book Juliana has a dog and a great computer program to help her with writing, do you?

Yes, I use a program called JAWS for Windows. You can find out more about it here .  It reads aloud everything that is on the screen. You can make it read fast or slow and make it repeat back every keystroke you make. If you don’t need it, it WILL drive you nuts. Sometimes I use Microsoft Sam, also known as Narrator, which is built into every version of Windows after Windows ME. And I have an incredible trainded guide dog.  Never pet one if you see it working. In fact, it’s best not to ask if you can pet it. Often, an owner will offer if the situation is right, but will feel bad when he or she is forced to say “no”. The dog has to stay focused on its person even if it seems to be resting. If a fire alarm goes off, I count on my dog to be aware of everything that happens. He’s trained to even ignore you when you speak to him while he’s in harness. His job is to help me.

What is your dog’s name?

My dog’s name is Cosmo. You can see some pictures of him on my website www.jjmassa. com — but he’ll be featured on my weblog:  during the month of  November – his birthday is November 22.

How long have you been writing?

In some form or another I’ve always written a bit. Sometimes for magazines or local papers or just teaching. Sometimes, poetry for contests or my own entertainment. I started writing books a little over a year ago.

JJ, Have you always wanted to write?

Yes, I’ve always wanted to write but I didn’t know how badly until I really got the chance.

Why a vampire for the hero?

There’s no cure for MS – except maybe a vampire. And I love the many possibilities vampires present. There are just so many things they can do and learn over lifetimes. And the blood that flows – a continuous cycle of life, even if we think of vampires of being dead. You just can’t get much more intimate than drinking someone’s blood, can you?

Will we ever see Juliana and Raiden in any future books?

It’s possible. Definitely look for Paul… Before Love Like Blood was finished, my friend and fellow author, Nix Winter read it. She was convinced that Paul should have his own story – and his own vampire. You’ll have to read the All Hallow’s Eve story Storm Whispers, coming out October 5, from Venus Press…

JJ, What part of writing a book is your least favorite (if any)?  ie. research ect….

Sometimes I have a hard time ending a story. It’s like I don’t want to say goodbye. That’s why I love writing series so much. I can still visit everyone as many times as I want to.

What part do you enjoy?

I love getting to know the characters and following them through their adventures – they so often surprise me and it’s fun. I love research – so many things to find out and places to visit.

I noticed that even though Juliana had these disabilities she is still a very strong and independent woman, would you say that you are the same?

* laughing behind my hand * Um yes, Wateena… I laugh because it’s a source of frustration for some of my loved ones. I order groceries from Netgrocer, I shop online, I get on trains and planes – I like doing what I want to do – I am VERY independent. That’s not to say I don’t need and want help sometimes. I just like it best if someone asks me if I need a hand. J

What are you working on now?

Actually, I’m always working on more than one thing at a time. I have several different books in different genres. I’ve got another vampire book, Rubies, Sapphires, and Ivory coming out with Liquid Silver books sometime soon and after that, the sequel to my very first book, Everyone Has A Weak Spot. It’s called Everybody Has A Pet Peeve and tells the story of Renaud, Lorelei’s younger brother. It’s a Cajun werewolf book. I also have the third in my Weather Series that comes out at the end of this year. That book is called Angel’s Forecast, and is a Cajun and paranormal book, the story of Deke Doucette. I’m also very excited about another project that I contracted last year. I don’t want to give too much away all at once, but I had stalled… with the help of a friend (this is me teasing and not telling you who) I’m back on track.

JJ are you a big reader, as most writers? and if so what is your favorite genre?

I do love to read, no question. I’m a big fan of paranormal – as evidenced by what I write. I also like mystery, romantic suspense, m/m, I just love to read.

JJ, I am inspired by you as I am sure others are and will be, what would you say to someone with a disability(s) who have wanted to write or maybe even be an artist, but because of their disability have not tried it?

First, I’d say that I never did anything that could be considered art until after I went blind. If you can think, you have something to offer. It’s up to you what you do with your life. I was thirty-one when I went blind. My life didn’t stop, my IQ didn’t stop when my eyesight went away. If you want to do things, the only person who can make it happen is you. You don’t know what you can do if you don’t try. Yes, there will be obstacles. You’ve heard the old saying “Everything worth having is worth fighting for”? For some of us, it’s freedom. For others, it’s recognition. I just want to be accepted for who I am. I work, I love, I play and I have a lot to offer and a lot to give. Everybody has value.

What is your web site address?

You can find me at

JJ  Do you have a favorite hero, out of your books?

My favorite hero is the incredible, complicated man I’m writing about right this minute. He’ s getting all of my attention. I’m thinking about him when my eyes are closed in the car. I’ m imagining him while I fix supper and clean the kitchen. When I go to sleep at night, his lips caress my ear as he whispers. His arms come around me and he holds me close, keeping me safe and letting his story soak into my body, my heart and my mind. He has me completely in his thrall.

Where do you see yourself as far as writing, in say ten years?

In ten years I hope to be doing what I’m doing now – only doing it better. I want to keep writing and telling my stories and I hope more and more people get to spend time with me and enjoy the worlds I see behind my eyes.

Thanks so much for your candid response, you have a wonderful outlook on life and I think that counts for everything.

I sincerely enjoyed it.  Thank you, Wateena. I had a good time answering your questions. Thank you for spending so much time with me.

I want to thank  JJ Massa on behalf of Coffee Time Romance for chatting with us today.

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5 Elements of a Scene: #5 a Closing Hook by Kayelle Allen

We've been discussing the elements of a scene. In fiction, a scene is where action occurs (scene of the crime), or an incident takes place (a seduction, an argument, a beginning conflict), etc.

Good scenes consist of five things. An opening hook, a complication, a discovery, a response, and a closing hook.
We've discussed the first four here:
#1 Opening Hook

#2 Turning Point

#3 Discovery

#4 Reaction

#5 Closing Hook

Now let's get to the final element, the closing "hook" that will propel the reader to the next scene (or book).
Closing Hook
How do you decide on a closing hook with punch? A solid closing hook will end with a decision, however unlikely at the beginning. In fact, your closing will reflect the opening in some way.

What is your protagonist's inner conflict? How has that been shaken—or evolved? What elements of the scene or story made their conflict worse? Is there something in the situation that you can tie to their reaction to create a question?

In fact, learning to end on that moment of surprise or indecision is key to the hook. Less is more.

Example 1 – a man and a woman argue. Which hook is stronger?

He stalked off into the night.

She followed him.


He stalked off into the night.

The second ending is the better hook. Why? Because we don't know her reaction. Also, we don't know where he is going, why, or what he is going to do. But we want to know.

Example 2 – A character is running.

He fled down the alley, dashed around the corner and slipped into the darkness.

Hopefully, they wouldn't find him.


He fled down the alley, dashed around the corner and slipped into the darkness.

The second ending is better. Why? Even if we already know who or what is following him, we don't know how it ends up. We can infer how he feels from the verbs in the sentence:...

5 Elements of a Scene: #5 a Closing Hook by Kayelle Allen

We`ve been discussing the elements of a scene. In fiction, a scene is where action occurs (scene of the crime), or an incident takes place (a seduction, an argument, a beginning conflict), etc.

Good scenes consist of five things. An opening hook, a complication, a discovery, a response, and a closing hook.
We`ve discussed the first four here:
#1 Opening Hook

#2 Turning Point

#3 Discovery

#4 Reaction

#5 Closing Hook

Now let`s get to the final element, the closing "hook" that will propel the reader to the next scene (or book).
Closing Hook
How do you decide on a closing hook with punch? A solid closing hook will end with a decision, however unlikely at the beginning. In fact, your closing will reflect the opening in some way.

What is your protagonist`s inner conflict? How has that been shaken—or evolved? What elements of the scene or story made their conflict worse? Is there something in the situation that you can tie to their reaction to create a question?

In fact, learning to end on that moment of surprise or indecision is key to the hook. Less is more.

Example 1 – a man and a woman argue. Which hook is stronger?

He stalked off into the night.

She followed him.


He stalked off into the night.

The second ending is the better hook. Why? Because we don`t know her reaction. Also, we don`t know where he is going, why, or what he is going to do. But we want to know.

Example 2 – A character is running.

He fled down the alley, dashed around the corner and slipped into the darkness.

Hopefully, they wouldn`t find him.


He fled down the alley, dashed around the corner and slipped into the darkness.

The second ending is better. Why? Even if we already know who or what is following him, we don`t know how it ends up. We can infer how he feels from the verbs in the sentence:...

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An Audio Sale & Epic Giveaway! 🐉 

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Hi Everyone!

I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season! Have you watched any holiday movies you love? I'm obsessed with The Holiday so will definitely be doing a rewatch of that!

In the meantime, I've been hard at work on the Wolves of Crescent Creek books and I am IN LOVE!!! I also just got the covers back for the series and I just have to say...PREPARE YOURSELVES! I am so obsessed with them and hoping to show you in the new year with fun updates on that front!

For now, I've got an audio sale and a super fun giveaway for you!!


I’d always wondered what it would be like to have a family. I just never expected to find it with five mysterious strangers who have more secrets than I could ever imagine.

Getting a scholarship to Evergreen University and majoring in premed means I need to keep my head down and focus on my studies. But campus is full of distractions…

The football god with his golden retriever charm. The tortured one with his vicious tongue. The broken boy with his determined protectiveness. The merciless billionaire with a penchant for spoiling me. And the genius professor with his brilliant mind.

They make me feel like I belong for the first time since my parents were murdered. And when they touch me, my whole world sparks to flame.

But they have enemies. Those who would give anything to harm what they hold dear. And while they’ll do whatever it takes to keep me safe, sometimes falling in love will put you right in the line of fire…

Grab the audio for $5.99 for Audible Plus Members!

Grab the eBook of Twilight of Embers here!

✨ Special Edition Giveaway of the Legacy of Shadows Series! ✨

I'm so excited to celebrate the holiday season with a GIVEAWAY!

One of you will win this special edition set of the Legacy of Shadows series!

How to enter:

💜 Add Crescent Kingdom (The Wolves of Crescent Creek #1) to your Goodreads "Want to Read" list! Here is the link!

💜 Follow Me on TikTok


An Audio Sale & Epic Giveaway! 🐉

View in browser

Hi Everyone!

I hope you`re having a wonderful holiday season! Have you watched any holiday movies you love? I`m obsessed with The Holiday so will definitely be doing a rewatch of that!

In the meantime, I`ve been hard at work on the Wolves of Crescent Creek books and I am IN LOVE!!! I also just got the covers back for the series and I just have to say...PREPARE YOURSELVES! I am so obsessed with them and hoping to show you in the new year with fun updates on that front!

For now, I`ve got an audio sale and a super fun giveaway for you!!

I’d always wondered what it would be like to have a family. I just never expected to find it with five mysterious strangers who have more secrets than I could ever imagine.

Getting a scholarship to Evergreen University and majoring in premed means I need to keep my head down and focus on my studies. But campus is full of distractions…

The football god with his golden retriever charm. The tortured one with his vicious tongue. The broken boy with his determined protectiveness. The merciless billionaire with a penchant for spoiling me. And the genius professor with his brilliant mind.

They make me feel like I belong for the first time since my parents were murdered. And when they touch me, my whole world sparks to flame.

But they have enemies. Those who would give anything to harm what they hold dear. And while they’ll do whatever it takes to keep me safe, sometimes falling in love will put you right in the line of fire…

Grab the audio for $5.99 for Audible Plus Members!

Grab the eBook of Twilight of Embers here!

✨ Special Edition Giveaway of the Legacy of Shadows Series! ✨

I`m so excited to celebrate the holiday season with a GIVEAWAY!

One of you will win this special edition set of the Legacy of Shadows series!

How to enter:

💜 Add Crescent Kingdom (The Wolves of Crescent Creek #1) to your Goodreads "Want to Read" list! Here is the link!

💜 Follow Me on TikTok


3 0
A Bear Ski Instructor Christmas: An Amnesia Lost Love Romance (Holiday Shifters of Frost Mountain)Being a fashion model can really take you places…
Like a snow-covered mountain in the middle of nowhere—literally.

Frost Mountain isn’t your average ski resort. 
The last place I expected to spend my Christmas was in a magical prison…
But here I am.

At least I’m not alone.
There are other people trapped on this mountain with me.
And one of them is my ex-boyfriend…
The one who went missing years ago. 
I thought I’d lost him, but he’s been alive this whole time.
This sizzling bear shifter is a ski instructor now…and guess what?
He doesn’t even remember who I am.

Amnesia sucks, period.
But it’s even worse when you’re still in love with them.
I need him to remember me.
And I’ll do everything in my power to make sure he does.

It’s about to be one hell of a Christmas.

A Bear Ski Instructor Christmas: An Amnesia Lost Love Romance (Holiday Shifters of Frost Mountain)Being a fashion model can really take you places…
Like a snow-covered mountain in the middle of nowhere—literally.

Frost Mountain isn’t your average ski resort.
The last place I expected to spend my Christmas was in a magical prison…
But here I am.

At least I’m not alone.
There are other people trapped on this mountain with me.
And one of them is my ex-boyfriend…
The one who went missing years ago.
I thought I’d lost him, but he’s been alive this whole time.
This sizzling bear shifter is a ski instructor now…and guess what?
He doesn’t even remember who I am.

Amnesia sucks, period.
But it’s even worse when you’re still in love with them.
I need him to remember me.
And I’ll do everything in my power to make sure he does.

It’s about to be one hell of a Christmas.

1 0
Holidays this fun can’t be legal. When a cat burglar dressed as Santa targets a glitzy Manhattan high-rise, the holidays get unhinged @damonsuede #booktok #bookstagram #glbtq+ #holidays #mystery

Holidays this fun can’t be legal. When a cat burglar dressed as Santa targets a glitzy Manhattan high-rise, the holidays get unhinged @damonsuede #booktok #bookstagram #glbtq+ #holidays #mystery ...

2 0
St. Nicked by Damon SuedeSt. Nicked: There's no gift like the present.

Holidays this fun can’t be legal. When a cat burglar dressed as Santa targets a glitzy Manhattan high-rise, the holidays get unhinged.

As superintendent, Mark Almeida needs to keep the residents safe, and as a former NYPD cop, he knows he can crack the case without any help… until he meets a suave stranger too handsome for his own good who pushes buttons Mark didn’t know he had.

As the holly-jolly crime spree unfolds, Mark wrestles with duty and desire while juggling festive clues, lavish gifts, and stolen kisses in time for a truly crooked Christmas.

St. Nicked, the newest contemporary romance from Damon Suede, combines the tension of a mystery with feel-good romance in a way only Damon can deliver.

Purchase Link:

Meet the Author

Damon Suede… between soft and rough

Damon Suede grew up out-n-proud deep in the anus of right-wing America, and escaped as soon as it was legal. He has lived all over: Houston, New York, London, Prague. Along the way, he’s earned his crust as a model, a messenger, a promoter, a programmer, a sculptor, a singer, a stripper, a bookkeeper, a bartender, a techie, a teacher, a director... but writing has ever been his bread and butter. He has been happily partnered for over a decade with the most loving, handsome, shrewd, hilarious, noble man to walk this planet.

Addictions: sweetness that isn’t sentimental, wit that isn’t bitter, strength that isn’t cruel. Allergies: professional victims, half-assery, clichés.

Beyond romance fiction, Damon has been writing for print, stage, and screen for over three decades, which is both more and less glamorous than you might imagine. He's won some awards, but his blessings are more numerous: his amazing friends, his demented family, his beautiful husband, his loyal fans, and his silly, stern, seductive Muse who keeps whispering in his ear, year after year.

Damon would love to hear from you... you can get in touch with him here or at any of the following social media hubs:


And if you'd like spam-free updates about his work ...

St. Nicked by Damon SuedeSt. Nicked: There`s no gift like the present.

Holidays this fun can’t be legal. When a cat burglar dressed as Santa targets a glitzy Manhattan high-rise, the holidays get unhinged.

As superintendent, Mark Almeida needs to keep the residents safe, and as a former NYPD cop, he knows he can crack the case without any help… until he meets a suave stranger too handsome for his own good who pushes buttons Mark didn’t know he had.

As the holly-jolly crime spree unfolds, Mark wrestles with duty and desire while juggling festive clues, lavish gifts, and stolen kisses in time for a truly crooked Christmas.

St. Nicked, the newest contemporary romance from Damon Suede, combines the tension of a mystery with feel-good romance in a way only Damon can deliver.

Purchase Link:

Meet the Author

Damon Suede… between soft and rough

Damon Suede grew up out-n-proud deep in the anus of right-wing America, and escaped as soon as it was legal. He has lived all over: Houston, New York, London, Prague. Along the way, he’s earned his crust as a model, a messenger, a promoter, a programmer, a sculptor, a singer, a stripper, a bookkeeper, a bartender, a techie, a teacher, a director... but writing has ever been his bread and butter. He has been happily partnered for over a decade with the most loving, handsome, shrewd, hilarious, noble man to walk this planet.

Addictions: sweetness that isn’t sentimental, wit that isn’t bitter, strength that isn’t cruel. Allergies: professional victims, half-assery, clichés.

Beyond romance fiction, Damon has been writing for print, stage, and screen for over three decades, which is both more and less glamorous than you might imagine. He`s won some awards, but his blessings are more numerous: his amazing friends, his demented family, his beautiful husband, his loyal fans, and his silly, stern, seductive Muse who keeps whispering in his ear, year after year.

Damon would love to hear from you... you can get in touch with him here or at any of the following social media hubs:


And if you`d like spam-free updates about his work ...

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#Save $$ on these #new #ebbooks at @changelingpress #erotic #mc #paranormal #LGBTQ+ #willaokati #emilycarrington, #wandavioleto #JamieTargaet #harleywylde #jhalisteele

#Save $$ on these #new #ebbooks at @changelingpress #erotic #mc #paranormal #LGBTQ+ #willaokati #emilycarrington, #wandavioleto #JamieTargaet #harleywylde #jhalisteele ...

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Win Three Kinds of Lucky by Kim Harrison here to enter

Win Three Kinds of Lucky by Kim Harrison here to enter ...

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The Ramseys by Amber Daulton - in Time Complete Box Set NOW AVAILABLE FOR PREORDER!

The Ramseys in Time box set features spunky heroines, brooding heroes, and a trip through time. Each of the two novellas included have a 50k word count, making this box set top off at 100k.

In Timeless Honor, Jaye Ramsey goes on vacation with her friends to Bolivia in order to prove to her eccentric grandmother that time travel doesn't exist. There she finds a time portal in the Salar de Uyuni (the salt flats) and winds up in Georgian England. Never did she expect to fall in love with a man from her grandmother's past, Lord Lucas Kenway, who was accused of murdering his wife on their wedding night.

In Timeless Beginnings, Leonora Harris flees her newly wedded husband's home and loses her way in the woods. After she falls through a portal, she wakes up in 1960s Bolivia. Luckily for her, she meets undercover CIA agent Rodger Ramsey and embraces her new life as a modern woman.

Even though these novellas are standalones, it's best to read them together, in any order, because you'll be able to fully immerse yourself in this fictional world of magic portals, culture shock, and happily ever afters. And besides, who can get enough of time travel romance? Not me, that's for sure.

For the first time ever, the Ramsey in Time Complete Box Set is now AVAILABLE FOR PREORDER.

PreOrder Links:

Barnes and Noble:
Google Play:

Where to find Amber:

X (formerly Twitter):
YouTube: ...

The Ramseys by Amber Daulton - in Time Complete Box Set NOW AVAILABLE FOR PREORDER!

The Ramseys in Time box set features spunky heroines, brooding heroes, and a trip through time. Each of the two novellas included have a 50k word count, making this box set top off at 100k.

In Timeless Honor, Jaye Ramsey goes on vacation with her friends to Bolivia in order to prove to her eccentric grandmother that time travel doesn`t exist. There she finds a time portal in the Salar de Uyuni (the salt flats) and winds up in Georgian England. Never did she expect to fall in love with a man from her grandmother`s past, Lord Lucas Kenway, who was accused of murdering his wife on their wedding night.

In Timeless Beginnings, Leonora Harris flees her newly wedded husband`s home and loses her way in the woods. After she falls through a portal, she wakes up in 1960s Bolivia. Luckily for her, she meets undercover CIA agent Rodger Ramsey and embraces her new life as a modern woman.

Even though these novellas are standalones, it`s best to read them together, in any order, because you`ll be able to fully immerse yourself in this fictional world of magic portals, culture shock, and happily ever afters. And besides, who can get enough of time travel romance? Not me, that`s for sure.

For the first time ever, the Ramsey in Time Complete Box Set is now AVAILABLE FOR PREORDER.

PreOrder Links:

Barnes and Noble:
Google Play:

Where to find Amber:

X (formerly Twitter):
YouTube: ...

5 1
The Christmas Collection by Regina Scott

Enjoy four warm, witty Regency romances set at the most festive time of the year, Christmas, by award-winning, bestselling author Regina Scott: My True Love Gave to Me, Always Kiss at Christmas, An Uncommon Christmas, and the short story, "A Light in the Darkness." "Totally captivating." Simply Susan Review Blog

Normally $5.99, this collection is on sale at $0.99 from November 28 – December 2.

Purchase Links: 

Directly from the Author
Apple Books
Barnes and Noble

Where you can find Regina:

Her website:
Her newsletter:


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The Christmas Collection by Regina Scott

Enjoy four warm, witty Regency romances set at the most festive time of the year, Christmas, by award-winning, bestselling author Regina Scott: My True Love Gave to Me, Always Kiss at Christmas, An Uncommon Christmas, and the short story, "A Light in the Darkness." "Totally captivating." Simply Susan Review Blog

Normally $5.99, this collection is on sale at $0.99 from November 28 – December 2.

Purchase Links:

Directly from the Author
Apple Books
Barnes and Noble

Where you can find Regina:

Her website:
Her newsletter:

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Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2024 3 of 3

6 0
Alien Fury by Janice Seagraves

The Arcon, Thorn Grindstone, finds himself alone and injured, thawing in a disabled cryogenics tank. Making an impulsive deal for a fighter, he launches into a battle with a pirate ship before beginning is search for his people.

After Thorn crash-lands in the widow Roxie Carson’s corn field. Roxie nurses the injured Arcon. As tension worsens between Roxie and her brother-in-law, Thorn turns out to be an unexpected ally.

Roxie is grateful to the handsome alien, but what will happen when the Arcon government finally shows up and takes Thorn away? What will her brother-in-law do then?

Video Link

Purchase Links:

Where to find Janice:

X (formerly Twitter):


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3 of 3
Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2024 3 of 3

Alien Fury by Janice Seagraves

The Arcon, Thorn Grindstone, finds himself alone and injured, thawing in a disabled cryogenics tank. Making an impulsive deal for a fighter, he launches into a battle with a pirate ship before beginning is search for his people.

After Thorn crash-lands in the widow Roxie Carson’s corn field. Roxie nurses the injured Arcon. As tension worsens between Roxie and her brother-in-law, Thorn turns out to be an unexpected ally.

Roxie is grateful to the handsome alien, but what will happen when the Arcon government finally shows up and takes Thorn away? What will her brother-in-law do then?

Video Link

Purchase Links:

Where to find Janice:

X (formerly Twitter):

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Down at the Shore by Karen Cino

An Author’s Twelve Days of Christmas

With the holiday season upon us, it is our time to reflect on the year gone by and start getting together a list of resolutions for the New Year. This is one of my comic relief poems. I refer to it as my quick pick-me-upper when my muse comes to a halt. This is my version of The Twelve Days of Christmas.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my friends gave to me:

 	Twelve hours of nonstop writing,
 Eleven great plots ideas with a twist,
 Ten true to life characters,
 Nine boxes of tissues,
 Eight books on writing,
 Seven sites on marketing,
 Six unique promo tips,
 Five colored highlighters,
 Four packages of post it notes,
 Three colorful loose-leaf binders,
 Two boxes of colorful paperclips,
 And a bottle of Procesecco to stimulate my mind.

To all my writer friends and readers I'd like to wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season full of love and happiness! I'm sharing with you my Christmas tree and decorations.

If you stop by and leave a comment, you will be put in a drawing to receive an ebook of your choice: Roses or Seaside Reboot (Jersey Route 35 Cozy Mystery). All you need to do is tell me your favorite Christmas/Holiday treat and/or what you want Santa to bring! Good luck!
Down at the Shore
Brooke Dascoli is in a relationship that’s going nowhere. She moves into the beach house her grandmother left her at the Jersey Shore and forms a friendship with her neighbors, Flo Meadows and Jane Cummings. Flo carries around a huge secret that has haunted her since her first marriage and Jane is having a hard time dealing with a cheating husband who died shortly after their divorce. Together each woman shares their past indiscretions and future dreams, while dealing with loss, renewal and starting over.
Purchase Links:

Where to find Karen
Her website:
X (formerly Twitter): @karencino
Instagram: @karencino


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Black Friday / ...

Down at the Shore by Karen Cino

An Author’s Twelve Days of Christmas

With the holiday season upon us, it is our time to reflect on the year gone by and start getting together a list of resolutions for the New Year. This is one of my comic relief poems. I refer to it as my quick pick-me-upper when my muse comes to a halt. This is my version of The Twelve Days of Christmas.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my friends gave to me:

Twelve hours of nonstop writing,
Eleven great plots ideas with a twist,
Ten true to life characters,
Nine boxes of tissues,
Eight books on writing,
Seven sites on marketing,
Six unique promo tips,
Five colored highlighters,
Four packages of post it notes,
Three colorful loose-leaf binders,
Two boxes of colorful paperclips,
And a bottle of Procesecco to stimulate my mind.

To all my writer friends and readers I`d like to wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season full of love and happiness! I`m sharing with you my Christmas tree and decorations.

If you stop by and leave a comment, you will be put in a drawing to receive an ebook of your choice: Roses or Seaside Reboot (Jersey Route 35 Cozy Mystery). All you need to do is tell me your favorite Christmas/Holiday treat and/or what you want Santa to bring! Good luck!
Down at the Shore
Brooke Dascoli is in a relationship that’s going nowhere. She moves into the beach house her grandmother left her at the Jersey Shore and forms a friendship with her neighbors, Flo Meadows and Jane Cummings. Flo carries around a huge secret that has haunted her since her first marriage and Jane is having a hard time dealing with a cheating husband who died shortly after their divorce. Together each woman shares their past indiscretions and future dreams, while dealing with loss, renewal and starting over.
Purchase Links:

Where to find Karen
Her website:
X (formerly Twitter): @karencino
Instagram: @karencino

1 of 3 ways to win

Black Friday / ...

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My Fake Italian Marriage by Romy Sommer
Escape to Italy for a summer romance
As the nights draw in and winter approaches, you may be indulging in hot cocoa, woolly sweaters, and Hallmark holiday movies...or you might be indulging in dreams of summery destinations and strappy sundresses. I'm definitely in the latter camp. I don't do well with the cold, so I hibernate all winter, warming myself up by escaping to warmer climes in the pages of books. One of my favorite destinations, no matter the season, is Italy - the home of pizza, pasta, gelato, and amazing wines. (And yes, I am a tad obsessed with the taste of Italy!)

Enjoy your own escape to Italy with "My Fake Italian Marriage," a romance filled with sunshine, mouth-watering food and wine, and (of course!) a heart-warming fake marriage romance.

In the words of The Unrepentant Bookaholic: "Set in the beautiful Tuscan hills and vineyards, this story was delightful, sweetly steamy, and still romantic. Sworn off men after two failed relationships, Cleo is sent to Luca's family vineyard to protect her company's investment. Sparks fly, and a reluctant partnership is formed to keep the failing business alive. Fabulous!"

Purchase Links:


Apple iBooks:

Barnes & Noble:


Google Books:

Where to find Romy:








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My Fake Italian Marriage by Romy Sommer
Escape to Italy for a summer romance
As the nights draw in and winter approaches, you may be indulging in hot cocoa, woolly sweaters, and Hallmark holiday movies...or you might be indulging in dreams of summery destinations and strappy sundresses. I`m definitely in the latter camp. I don`t do well with the cold, so I hibernate all winter, warming myself up by escaping to warmer climes in the pages of books. One of my favorite destinations, no matter the season, is Italy - the home of pizza, pasta, gelato, and amazing wines. (And yes, I am a tad obsessed with the taste of Italy!)

Enjoy your own escape to Italy with "My Fake Italian Marriage," a romance filled with sunshine, mouth-watering food and wine, and (of course!) a heart-warming fake marriage romance.

In the words of The Unrepentant Bookaholic: "Set in the beautiful Tuscan hills and vineyards, this story was delightful, sweetly steamy, and still romantic. Sworn off men after two failed relationships, Cleo is sent to Luca`s family vineyard to protect her company`s investment. Sparks fly, and a reluctant partnership is formed to keep the failing business alive. Fabulous!"

Purchase Links:


Apple iBooks:

Barnes & Noble:


Google Books:

Where to find Romy:







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