Heather Grothaus will be talking about her book The Warrior, and maybe a little about herself. Welcome Ms. Grothaus! What was your inspiration for The Warrior?
I actually dreamed the prologue to THE WARRIOR. I had been researching the period of the Norman Conquest of England pretty heavily–hoping that I would eventually use the research for a novel–and I ended up having a very troubling dream one night. I could not get back to sleep, no matter how much I tossed and turned. So I got out of bed and went into the kitchen with a scrap notebook and began to sketch. That simple pencil drawing was of a young girl peeking around the corner of a stone wall at her mother, weeping over the dead body of her father. The little girl grew up to become Haith, the heroine of Warrior
I have read where fans of this book have wondered if there is a prequel or sequel in the works, is there?
I have been asked if I will do a prequel to Warrior, telling Corinne and James’s whole story, or Pharao’s story, and I don’t have any plans to do that at this time. The reason is because James and Corinne already have their happily ever after, and so does Pharao. Many people have shown interest in Pharao’s earlier years, but I can tell you that that was a very painful and hard time for him. Perhaps I will consider a story carrying on his legacy through his son, Jamie, at some point.
As for a sequel, the book following Warrior (title and release date TBA) picks up the story of Tristan’s family and takes it in a different direction. Readers will see some familiar faces, as well as plenty of new ones!
How did you do research the book?
I did a lot of the research for Warrior before I even began the book; I read *a lot* of nonfiction about the period, as well as a lot of fiction set in the period to get a good feel for the era. Movies and History Channel programs were also very entertaining.oops! I mean, *informative* ;o)
Did you have the pleasure of visiting England or other areas with castles?
I wish! Although I haven’t had the good fortune to visit the UK yet, I plan on doing so within the next year or so. I’m a little afraid that once I’m surrounded by the setting I love to write about, I may never want to come back!
I see that you were a journalist prior to writing this book. How hard was it to make the transition between non-fiction and fiction?
Not hard at all. Many journalistic pieces have a word-count that you have to stick to, and you can’t decide how the story ends. With fiction, I can give my characters their happily- ever-after, and the villains get what they deserve!
I read that you love to attend renaissance festivals. Do you spark new ideas while attending them?
Ren fests are like a vacation for me! It’s nice to be able to dress up an “be” someone else for an afternoon. I don’t know that they’ve sparked any ideas, but attending the fests gives me a better feel for detail; what it’s like to perform basic activities in period clothing, how men move differently when outfitted in chain mail and heavy weaponry. It’s like a little taste of time travel, and it totally recharges my creative batteries.
I also understand that you go in costume. How many do you have?
I have 4 different costumes, I think–3 of them that I made. Buying or renting period costumes is very expensive, but a lot of the patterns for making a simple gown or cloak, or a man’s costume, are easier than you’d think. I’m not a great seamstress by any means, but if you can do a basic stitch with a sewing machine, and follow directions, you can do it too! Making your own costumes also helps with realism–you know just how a woman of the time must have felt when some clumsy oaf steps on the hem of your gown, ripping out the seam you worked so hard on!
I have seen pictures of you and your husband on your web site and you are adorable. Has he inspired any of your characters?
Thank you! Tim is my number one fan and reader, and although none of the characters I write about are “based” on him, it’s his unfailing love and support that allows me to write stories about true love and soul mates. I truly feel we were meant to be together–we’re living our happily-ever-after!
WOW! We have learned some really interesting facts as well as Ms. Grothaus’s work. On behalf of Coffee Time Romance, we want to thank Ms. Grothaus for chatting with us today! Make sure you check out her book and her site! www.heathergrothaus.com
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