Happy holidays and Welcome. Today we have Crystal Inman with us, and on behalf of Coffee Time Romance we want to thank her for taking time out of her writing schedule and this busy season to answer a few questions. Ms. Inman will be talking about her book Virtually Yours and some of her other works. Crystal, I just finished VIRTUALLY YOURS, WOW, that was some book, really a different theme all together I absolutely loved it, where did you get the idea or inspiration for this book?
I actually sat down and stilled my mind for a minute or two to try and come up with something I, myself, had never read. I’m low-tech. But the idea fascinated me that anyone could access a virtual world and experience things that they would have never dared dream.
Crystal, would you tell us a little bit about Virtually Yours?
Virtually Yours is a contemporary romance about a school secretary, Sarah Sharpe, who volunteers for studies at the local college when she is a little low on cash. A plea from her niece and nephew for help with their mother’s Christmas present prompts her to sign up again. The study involves the world of virtual reality with benefits in the medical field. Sarah is picked as the lone participant.
When she uses the glasses, she finds that even the virtual world has its perks. Blake Canfield, her self-professed virtual guide, infiltrates every scene she picks. Their flirtation moves into something more due to the immense attraction Sarah feels for him. But she struggles with the fact that she’s falling for a virtual man.
I have to ask is there going to be a story for Jess and Josh?
Oh yes. I love Jess. Love her. And the kids? *laughing* They are so fun to write. The title will be Virtually Impossible. That rather sums up my efforts in finding time to write it. Time? What time? *groan* So many stories. I’ll tackle this next year. It’s banged around my head long enough.
On your website you mentioned you have several children, when do you find the time to write?
I use the sedative in the grilled cheese method. *grins* Just kidding.
I try to write when the kids are at school. When they come home, we do homework and chat about their collective day. Weekends and summers are something entirely different. But I have to admit that having older children is easier than younger ones. Mine are fairly self-sufficient.
Crystal of all the books of yours, which is your favorite and why?
I can’t pick a favorite! I love each and every one of them. It would be like trying to pick a favorite child or grandchild. Can’t do it.
What are you working on now?
How much time do you have? *Iaughing* Just a warning: I multi-task. And here’s what I have going on right now. Book one in a four book set is halfway finished. The titles will all tie in and have a paranormal theme. I have a two book set (short stories) planned out and need to start it. I have four short stories to write-one is halfway finished. These will be for Whiskey Creek Press and Whiskey Creek Press Torrid Anthology submissions. I have book one in a series about a third of the way finished. I also have another novel started for the WCP Torrid line.
Do you have set routine for writing?
Routine? Not really. I sit. I type. That about sums it up. If I feel I’ve typed what I can type on one story, I’ll switch over to another and work on it. A productive day would be to type around 3000 words. Then I feel as if I’ve accomplished quite a bit.
Crystal, What is your favorite part of writing, and what do you like least, if any?
My favorite part is just doing it. Immersing myself in the words and the story is exhilirating. I love being able to laugh aloud at my characters and have that connection with them. My least? Plotting. I liken this to “plodding.” I know other writers embrace this. I’m not one of them. The outline is in my head or in my trusty notebook, and I work from there. On one of my contracted short stories, my notes consisted of two sentences.
Virtually Yours was so fun to read, did you have a good time writing it?
I had an amazing time. I would just sit at my desk and think of all the wonderful things my characters could do, and it was great.
Is there a type of genre you would like to try but haven’t yet?
Not really. I love Stephen King and Clive Barker, but I can’t write like them. I accept that. I try and play to my strengths. Romance has always called to me. I am working on a detective series. And that’s fun, too.
What if any has been your best and worst experience in your writing career?
The worst? Rejection. *shuddering* Man, that hurts like the dickens. You pour your heart and soul into a story and get the big R. Ewww.
The best? Getting the story out and being able to share it. I want to touch people through my works. I want them to remember the characters long after the book’s cover has been closed.
Crystal what does your family think about your writing, and do you get lots of support?
Just a little inside information…I’m the odd duck. *grins* My family is proud but baffled. They don’t understand the lovely, little world I live in. When I talk about the voices in my head, that’s a good thing. *laughing* I think I’m misunderstood. If I talk about writing, I get the “glazed look” and absentminded nods. You know the look of which I speak.
When did you first get published, and how did you celebrate?
My first contract was over a year ago, but I was first published October 2005. I cried when I received the contract. What a moment! A culmination of my dreams, and a validation of my work. WOW!
I went on an email frenzy when I saw the book was out. I wanted to spread the word and share my happiness. Ahem. And I would go to www.whiskeycreekpress.com and look at the book cover on a daily basis. *grinning*
Is there any novels or authors that have influenced you in your writing?
Stephen King, Erma Bombeck, and Nora Roberts. I write character-driven stories. I want the readers to have an emotional investment in what I’ve written. Stephen King is the master. If you took out all the horror elements, his characters could hold the story on their own. THAT is powerful. Erma Bombeck’s use of humor is legendary. Her timing is second to none. And Nora? What can you say? I found her rather late in life, but I’m so glad I did. I remember reading one of her books for the first time and being totally engrossed. I want to be her when I grow up.
I noticed you are going to have a couple of short stories coming out with Whiskey Creek Torrid press, is that your first erotic?
Yes. Whiskey Creek Press Torrid has contracted two short stories and one full novel. And I am excited!
Romance warms your heart. Erotic romance warms your heart, ahem, and other areas. It’s great fun. I toyed with the idea, and then it hit me. I had an idea for the first seasonal Torrid anthology, Winter Wishes. And away I went. I have “Naughty and Nice” which will be released in January 2006 in Winter Wishes. I have “Intervention” which will be released in April 2006 in Spring Flings. My full novel is What He Wants. That will be available in June 2006. All of my erotic romance will be under the pen name C’ann Inman.
Crystal you do write different genre’s do you have a favorite?
I write a couple of different genres, but romance will always be my favorite. I’ve been reading it since I was twelve. It still touches me.
Crystal would you give us your website address?
http://chryswriter.tripod.com and my erotic romance website. Come visit me!
Crystal thank you so much, I have enjoyed doing this interview, and look forward to more of your books!
Thanks, Wateena! This was a lot of fun. The questions were great, and I enjoyed it. I have several releases due out next year. Check them out at www.whiskeycreekpress.com. 2006 is going to be a great year!!!
For a very hot high tech romance, you don’t want to miss Virtually Yours! On behalf of Coffee Time Romance, I would like to say We hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
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