Welcome, I would like to take this opportunity to thank C.H. Scott for taking the time to answer these questions for Coffee Time Romance. Today we are asking Ms. Scott about her story, Crazy Love, the Contemporary Romance.
When you start a new book, which comes first, the characters or the plot?
Definitely the plot! Then I go through the agony of trying to give my characters the GMC (goal, motivation, and conflict) that it needs to carry the story forward. Some times it comes easy, but not very often.
How long did it take you to write this wonderful story, Crazy Love?
I had written the first five or six chapters within a couple of weeks. Then I let it sit on the shelf for almost a year because there were problems I didn’t know how to work out. Over that year, I peeked on it a few times, wrote a little more, but still couldn’t figure out how I wanted the ending to be. I really don’t know what made me submit the idea to Triskelion Publishing, but Gail (editor) loved the first three chapters and wanted to read more. I was honest and told her it wasn’t completed, but I promised her I’d have it to her in one week. Sure enough – I finished the story in one week. Funny what happens when you’re under pressure, huh?
How long have you been writing?
I started out writing – mainly to see if I could – about ten years ago. Once I realized how exciting it was, I kept doing it. About five years ago I decided to become serious about my writing, and I started looking for critique groups and buying ‘how-to’ books to help me on my journey. I’m still learning new things, which is good.
What kind of schedule do you follow when you’re writing if any?
Because I work full time, I can only write in the evenings and on weekends. So…when I come home from work at 5:00 pm (and after I fix dinner) I’m on the computer until around 10:00pm. On the weekends, I’m on the computer most of the day, only leaving once in a while so that it looks like I’m cleaning the house. <heehee>
What is the best advice you ever received? What is the worst?
Best advice – not to give up. The second best was to find critique groups. Now my best friends are my critique partners. Worst advice? I don’t think I’ve gotten any (yet).
Do you work with an outline for your books? Or do you just write?
When I first started writing all those years ago, I only worked part time, so I had all the time to write. Back then I didn’t worry about an outline, because I just let my characters go where they wanted…although I revised those stories later until I was sick of them. Now that I don’t have a lot of time, I plan out my story so that all I have to do is write and not worry about revising like mad later. It definitely works better to outline.
Is there a ritual you follow when writing?
No ritual, really. Since I work on more than one story at a time, I usually read the previous chapter to get in sync with my characters before I start writing, but that’s about all I do.
Do you ever suffer from Writers block? How do you deal with it when it happens?
Haha!! Many times! When this happens, I move onto another story. If I still can’t write, then I find a good book from either the store on an epublisher and read that. While I’m in writer’s block, I sometimes think up new stories, or how to strengthen the ones I already have. Most of the time, though, the reason I’m in writer’s block is because my characters don’t like the direction my story is going, so all it takes is figuring out how I can change it.
Do you have critique groups? How does this influence your writing?
Right now I’m part of three critique groups. I have been part of six or seven before, but that took up most of my time. Now I stick to the smaller groups for two reasons – one; because the group becomes closer, and two; because it’s not as active and I find more time to write. I have been very lucky to run across some great women in my groups. I have learned so much from them, and now they’re like my best friends. I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if not for them.
What was the title of your first book and when was it published?
Woman Seeking Man was my first book. It was published with New Concepts and released in September 2004. My second book came a month later in a Halloween anthology with the same company. My story is called, The Seductress, and the anthology is called, In The Witching Hour.
How can your readers contact you? Do you have a website?
Yes, I have a website. http://phyllismariecampbell.tripod.com (I’ve used my historical name for this, although I’ll soon be organizing a website just for C.H. Scott’s work). But my readers can also reach me at luckylady84302@yahoo.com
Do you currently have anything coming out soon? Anything in the planning stages?
I’m always planning!! Right now I have a novella in the works that will go into another anthology. The anthology’s about the seven wonders of the ancient world. My story is titled, Huntress of My Heart, centered around the Temple of Artemis. After this, who knows what else I’ll do.
What encouraging words would you give to aspiring authors, if you could?
The same great advice that was given to me. Never give up – and get with a critique group writing in the same genre.
What inspired you to write Crazy Love?
I’d wanted to write a time-travel, since I love reading them. But I didn’t want to write what everyone was writing. I wanted to do something different. I think I’ve accomplished that with this story. There is a few twists in the story that will keep my readers on their toes!
Was any of the characters in your story modeled after real life friends or family?
Heavens no! Not in my life, anyway. I live a boring life – which is probably why I write romance. <big grin>
How long did it take you to research any information for your story, Crazy Love?
There was really no research necessary – just a vivid imagination. I stewed over the plot many times, but nothing really in researching.
Can you explain how you went about creating your characters within Crazy Love?
I wanted a smart, nonsense woman for my hero. She needed to be self-reliant and not have to depend on men. For my hero – I wanted him sexy as hell! <heehee> And both of them I wanted to have a cute sense of humor, which I’ve been told shows in my story.
What was the hardest part about writing this story? What was the easiest?
The easiest was the relationship between hero and heroine. The hardest was trying to make my plot believable – as believable as I could for a time-travel. I’m sure I still lacked in some areas with the believability, but hopefully readers will enjoy the story and not nit- pick at that aspect.
I would like to thank C.H. Scott on behalf of Coffee Time Romance for chatting with us and we wish you good luck on all your upcoming projects.
Thank you, Laura!
Coffee Time Romance
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