I don’t know about the rest of you but I have had a great time today! I enjoyed hearing what others look forward to for Christmas and a bit about other holidays. I found some good new books to add to my ginormous TBB/TBR list, and just felt a warm happy feeling of connecting with others who love books and reading!
Kayce, the Blue Heeler, has had a walk and the dressing changed on his leg. The inflatable ring collar does not totally stop him from licking the bandaged leg but is a deterrant and he doesn’t have to be muzzled all the time so long as we keep an eye on him. This is going to be a long road; he had a cyst develop on his right foreleg because he got a small wound and would never leave it alone enough to heal properly. I just hope and pray the wound from removing it will now heal but it isn’t going to be easy for him or us. He is high energy and nervous. His Heeler mix lady friend Beebee and the little sweet “mutt” Rojo are perplexed about his situation. Yes, dogs are wonderful companions but it is frustrating at times that we cannot talk to them and really be understood. I may be getting a new young female Aussie (Australian Shepherd) and Border Collie cross to replace my dear Belle–no replace is not true but to become my new number one dog anyway–but am waiting a bit until Kayce is better to introduce her into the pack. You may hear about her next month or on my blog if you read it now and then (deirdre-fourds @ blogspot). I talk dogs a lot there!
In January we’ll have our party on the 7th and will–I chose this in a fit of whimsey!–feature catastrophes and apocalypse tales, probably mostly sci fi and paranormal but some may be romance too. Karenne wanted a blurb to get out to folks and I had not yet set up 2013 themes. What if the world really does end on December 21, I thought, why waste the effort? But now I am covered for a month at least LOL. And I expect we will all be here! If not maybe we can get a book club going in the Great Beyond!!
I have to go get dinner ready but feel free to hang out and read and chat as long as you wish. I will post the main winners (the quilt and the $25 gift cert) here tomorrow and on the CTR yahoo loops and of course contact the winners. The five instant winners will be forewarded to Karenne before I shut down for the night and you’ll hear from her soon on how to spend your prizes.
Meanwhile happy-merry-joyous everything to each of you!
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