Win Advertising!

Every month, we will be picking an author (from the submissions) to win a month of FREE advertising. You can use it whenever you need advertising (within 12 months from winning). These start on the 15th of each month.

All you have to do is share our new button on your website, blog, social media, facebook, anywhere.

How this Works: We will choose an author from the submissions, verify that the button is up on your site (or wherever you put it), and then contact the winner.

You are allowed one entry per each place that you have our button. (i.e. one for your website, one for your blog, one for your facebook, pinterest, twitter, etc)

Make sure you tell a friend and good luck!

Enter here

New to us? Click here

To get a copy of this button:

  • Scroll your cursor over the button
  • Right Click over the button
  • Select Save Picture As
  • Save somewhere you will find it to upload it to your site.

Link to our main blog


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