Hello readers and old friends! I have not been here for a long time although I said I would not be a stranger. I didn’t exactly lie but stuff happens…!
At any rate this time I am wearing my author hat, Deirdre O’Dare to be exact. Deirdre has had a few problems this year. First the publisher she’d been with for twelve years closed their doors on the exact twelfth anniversary of her first sale to them. It took awhile to find some new places to publish new stories and reissue old ones but that has happened and I am a happy writer at this point. JMS Books and Changeling are my new homes and I may be adding Loose Id to that group soon. Yes, I am going to be busy!
Today I will be talking about four new books, two reissued ones that came out in June and two new but related tales that make their debut in July. The date of this visit kind of sneaked up on me but I’ve tweeted about it and posted on Deir’s Facebook page @ https://www.facebook.com/Deirdre-ODare so I hope some folks will drop in! I will give away a print collection of Deirdre m/m romance stories from my old publisher—no longer available anywhere to some visitor who comments today.
Happy reading!
8 years ago*WAVES* Hi AZGaye!!! 🙂 It is wonderful to see you posting again! Wishing you all the best with your new publishers! I saw one of your books listed on the JMS newsletter yesterday!
8 years ago AUTHORI am one happy camper and very excited about having both old and new books coming out. If you read The Mule Man some time back you might like A Mule for a Princess. And I am very pleased with Jumping Jack Flash; it will be out the 29th! Love my readers and pals so sharing is a natural thing!