On Tuesday, October 19th I will turn 33. I love my birthday. Not because it is all about me (which it is) but because for that moment in time I can celebrate something unique to me (other than the thousands who share that date lol). Sometimes I like to stay home and do nothing. Other times I feel like going out. Maybe I go to the bar, maybe I go to the movies. Anyway, in celebration of my birthday I have decided to do Thirteen Ways to Celebrate Your Birthday. So here they are”¦in no particular order.
Go Dancing. I love to dance. You put some thumping music on, my hips start to sway and the music takes me away. It always surprises others when I dance because being heavyset, people do not expect me to move the way I do.
Go to the Movies. I love going to the movies. Unfortunately, due to the rising cost I cannot do it as much as I used to. And then of course there is the fact that there are times when the choice of movies isn’t that great and don’t tickle my fancy.
Go to dinner with the family. I may take the kids and the husband out to eat to a nice sit down restaurant. It doesn’t have to be fancy, in fact it usually isn’t. But anything is better than eating in the car as you run to the next sporting event lol.
A get together at your house. Maybe I could invite a few friends. Say two or three. Sit around the fire pit and talk and drink a glass of wine/beer/ alcoholic drink.
Party time! Instead of just a few people, maybe I will invite a whole slew of people over. At any time when we have barbecues, we have in excess of 30 people who show up. Shrug”¦I guess our food tastes good lol. We haven’t poisoned anyone yet.
Quiet dinner for two. If I can get someone to watch the kids for me, my husband and I can go out to a nice place. Our favorite is Murray’s bar and grill. They have the BEST beer battered shrimp. But it isn’t cheap.
Taking the day to relax and do nothing. Maybe I can sleep in. My husband will have taken the kids somewhere for breakfast. Or maybe they are outside enjoying the crisp, cool fall weather. Lunch and dinner is prepared for me without me having to figure out what he can cook. Dishes are done, house is clean”¦sounds fantastic doesn’t it?
Going to a bookstore. Borders happens to be my idea of paradise. I love going into a bookstore and sniffing. The smell of those pages makes me so very happy. I could literally spend hours and hours walking around, perusing the different books.
Going to the salon to get my hair done. While I do go to the salon every once in a while to get my hair done, it usually only happens once in a while. I would love to be able to go into the salon with a ton of money and get something amazing done, something that makes me look like those supermodels on television (snort”¦lol).
Get my nails done. I get my nails done for special occasions only. Mostly for weddings but to just be able to go and get them done for my birthday would be nice.
Go on vacation. My idea of vacation has been when we travel for sporting events. I would love to go on a family vacation to some exotic location. To me exotic is anywhere outside of Michigan lol.
Go to a weekend getaway with some girlfriends. Maybe to a spa. Somewhere where they will pamper us and make us feel like princesses lol.
While I have already stated a vacation, I would like to add one more. Take a trip overseas. Visit Scotland, England, Ireland, and France. That sounds amazing to me! To see some of the sights I have dreamed of would be the ultimate birthday present.
So those are thirteen ways to celebrate my birthday. Some are things I have already done. Others are goals. And a few are so out there that I am 99% sure they will never be happening. What about you? How have you spent your past birthdays? What are some of your birthday goals and dreams? Let me know.
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