I am sure there are many unaware about the word, “gluten’ in food, and how some people are not able to have gluten in their diet. I know half of my relatives thought I was making the word up since they had never heard of it or the side effects it can have on a person. I quickly assured them I was in no way making it up, and showed them the literature, along with the books, that I had to teach myself about, as well. The First Year: Celiac Disease and Living Gluten-Free: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed by Jules E. Dowler Shepard is good help for those who have first discovered they have the disease. Then you have a book that goes further than just gluten and celiac disease. The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook, Updated and Revised: The Ultimate Guide to the Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet by Pamela Compart and Dana Laake goes beyond by bringing out more information that includes also ADHD, along with Autism”¦There are many helpful books in the publishing world that will help almost any type of disease that people have today. It makes no difference what age to start any management for a good lifestyle. http://www.gluten.net/, http://www.celiac.org/cd-main.php and http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2204582850&_fb_noscript=1, http://www.generationrescue.org/resource/Autism-Diets.htm are helpful links to learn more about the diseases
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