The Dragshi Chronicles– action-filled, romance-laden fantasies. The dragshi are more than just a man or woman, but two beings””one human, the other a a dragon. The pair share one body in space and time and are able to change forms with the other at will. But be warned, a dragon form comes with more than just the freedom of the sky.
Dragon Destiny – Hatchings Curse – Hatchling’s Mate – And now Hatchling’s Vengeance
The Dragshi Chronicles didn’t start out as a series. Originally written as a short story, reprinted out in large type the tale helped a recovering coma patient regain her ability to read. Then, several years later, the full-length novel served as a reward for the same person during their rehabilitation after knee replacement surgery. Each week after completing her physical therapy she was presented with the next chapter. That helped keep her enthusiasm up. The staff fussed over her because she was the only person there with a personalized novel.
The idea of a twinned soul grew out of watching a hawk play tag with the clouds and a long-held desire to fly. An energetic five-year-old helped the muse create one of the main characters. Much of the Dragshi Chronicles unfolded while sitting on a porch of a log-cabin or on a lakeside dock and listening to Celtic music. One story turned into two then a series. I hope you’ll join me as we visit the home of the dragshi. And if we’re lucky one of the dragons will drop down for a chat.
Helen Henderson
Stories of romance and adventure in worlds of imagination
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