“Stars weigh in on how to shed those unwanted pounds”. Gag. Spit. Gag again. *looks at sagging boobs and protruding belly – wondering if there’s an old trucker hidden in there somewhere*. PUHLEASE!!!!!!! Save me from these headlines! How I hate walking through a checkout and seeing those skinny bodies that have been airbrushed, tucked, fixed, and God knows – trained into looking like that.
I have two kids. I know what they do to your body. I know the stretch marks that can invade every crease that you knew they would – and those you never thought would stretch. I swear my chin grew an inch each child from pushing alone! Not to mention other areas that used to be the size of a quarter and now my husband gets lost inside!
However, I see these stories about how stars “struggled” to lose weight. Okay, so they struggled while they had personal trainers, nutritionists, housekeepers to do the cleaning, and nannys to raise their kids. That’s STRUGGLE? Tell me, oh stars that shine, how does the AVERAGE person who doesn’t make a million dollars a sneeze do it? Where do we get the money to go to a gym? Or to buy the perfect food?? Sad as it is, healthy food is so much more expensive than unhealthy food! I can buy three bags of chips for the price of a 5lb bag of apples! And they’re easier to eat! Lazy, yes. Realistic? Maybe. You decide.
But doesn’t it make you want to cringe when you see these stars who gained lots of weight while pregnant, suddenly slim and not a mark on them? You can’t tell me that not one celebrity gets stretch marks! Or that their breasts don’t join forces with the valley below to make friends.
Perhaps you’ll think I’m just one of those people who didn’t try. Well, you’re wrong. I sweated, did sit ups, tried to eat the right food, but it’s difficult when you have children running over you, a husband who is off working and can’t do the housework – and when you’re hungry, you dont’ have a chef to whip you up something healthy. I have to grab whatever I can while a baby is sucking my breast and I haven’t slept in months.
I had to get my two cents in. Now I’m going back to my chips and dip. I’m long past caring about my body, but to see these people make it look so easy when young girls are impressionable makes me steam! Pass the chocolate!
18 years agoYou know, I believe you have said it all. And that’s the TRUTH!
Lori Leigh
18 years agoBrenda, your wisdom is profound! How true!
Bonnie,I think your rant is spot on about trying to achieve the perfect body, while living in the real world. I recently tried to get some estimates on a lippo, butt, shine – that would include a size reduction, butt lift and teeth whitening to that dazzling white on the silver screen. The cost staggered my imagination!
Why was I only worried the children were clothed, when I needed designer gowns to wear at dinner? Why did I spend money at the dentist and on dental insurance to get my kids’ teeth sealed and fixed so they didn’t have to go through life with a toothless grin? Why did I try to eat right to stay healthy, when I should have tried the latest fad starvation diet that has nothing to do with feeding a man who’s worked hard all day and loves meat?
Now, the research tells us red meat may lead to breast cancer. I even tried to do the right thing by my boobs and eat a vegetarian diet – that is until my hair started falling out and lost all lustre.
I’m a grandmother, for goodness sake! Can’t I look like I’m a warm hug waiting to embrace a grandchild? When did growing older become such a nightmare? I’ve never had, and never will have a perfect body. By someone’s standard in Hollywood, my body just wouldn’t do for the screen – not at all! I’m not tall enough, thin enough, or walk like a runway model. I’ve held a child’s hand while I balanced another on my hip. I’ve dried tears with my t-shirt so that eveningg red carpet gown will just have to go to auction for a good charity. High heels now hurt my feet, and getting my makeup on and hair brushed at the same time takes a magician that can show up at 4 am. I’ve tried for a lifetime to put my values in life where it should count with home and hearth, so I’ll never appear in the rich and famous. I’ll probably not have enough years left in my lifetime to write a hundred books, so I hope everyone appreciates the ones I do get done. I am happy being the mom who made it to her grandaughter’s day at school. While I may look younger than most grandparents, and probably am because I started in the parenting world young, it also gave me a moment for a butt check. Nope, hadn’t slid too far yet so still intact.
And, how can anyone still have boobs after a few mamograms? OMG, talk about a pancake nightmare!
I’ve hung up my evening gown and now enjoy life in a happy state of denial. In my heart I can look like I’m 21 again, even though my waistline vehemently protests such outlandish lies. Those aren’t lines around my eyes, they are the map in my journey of life.
What difference does it really make, when the guy standing next to me looks just like a grandpa, and my grandchildren treat me like a Superstar?
Pass the chocolate…
Lori Leigh