The Furrever Friends Sweet Romance series features the workers and customers at a small-town cat café, and the adorable cats and kittens looking for their forever homes. Why a cat café? I’ve noticed lots of sweet, small-town romance series involving dogs, but few with cats. I think it’s because dogs clearly bring people together – think dog parks, walking your dog, obedience training – while cats don’t. Until you consider cat cafés. These are a relatively recent trend, but you can now find dozens and dozens of cat cafés all around the world. Typically they partner with a shelter, so all the cats you can visit are available for adoption. This gives visitors a chance to spend more quality time with the cats before they choose one. Those of us who can’t keep a cat in the home for whatever reason can at least visit some. Have you ever visited a cat café? Would you want to? Let me know in the comments! And don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to get a free 30-page sweet romance set in the world of the Furrever Friends cat café, “22 recipes from the cat café,” and an Accidental Detective short story plus bonus materials.
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My life pretty much revolves around books and writing. Besides the romance, mystery, and romantic suspense I write on my own, I’m write a series with my brother, scriptwriter Douglas J Eboch. He wrote the original screenplay for the movie Sweet Home Alabama (yes, the movie starring Reese Witherspoon). Our young adult comedy series features “Felony Melanie,” Jake, and their friends a decade before the events of the movie. Do you read primarily in a single genre or across genres? Let me know in the comments as an entry to win an e-book copy of your choice of my books. And don’t miss the giveaway of the Furrever Friends Cat Café Sweet Romance Collection, ebooks 1-6!
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