I wanted to take this time to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about my new book, Reunion of Souls, a contemporary romance.
I’ve written fiction as well as nonfiction, but this is my first foray into full-blown romance.
We all know that sometimes we focus our romantic attentions on the wrong person. Oh sure, there is something about that person that draws you to them, but that doesn’t necessarily make them your soulmate. And that’s fine if you realize it and don’t try to make them out to be anything more than what they are. But there are also people in our lives who are exceptional in many ways but we do not fully appreciate them for what they are or give them the romantic consideration they deserve. And this was the notion that inspired the story for Reunion of Souls.
Most of us can relate to the heartache experienced over the one that got away, when you can’t be with the person you love, whether it is the classic star-crossed lovers situation or an intense relationship that was just not meant to be. These emotions you feel very strongly, but as sad as that can be, sometimes the one that got away may be someone you never fully considered, so you might never even know that you lost him or her. It’s really not as profound as it may appear. If you think about it, a great relationship can end before it begins if it is never given a chance. You may never know it, of course, but there can be other times when you have a sense about someone being right for you, and they may have the same feelings for you, but neither of you pursue it for whatever reasons. You may come to realize years later that this person, who may have been an acquaintance at one time or a friend that you took for granted, was “the one,” but by then it is often too late. You see them with their spouse and family, or find yourself in that situation, and then you realize what a fool you had been for not seeing it sooner and acting on it.
That’s the premise of Reunion of Souls. It is written from the perspective of a young woman, Jodi, who is five years removed from high school. A half decade after graduating, her life is turned upside down following the death of her mother, for whom she temporarily derailed her professional career so that she could move back home and care for her dying mom. Her high school relationship with an older boy did not work out and she is alone. As she is thinking about those days, she remembers Nick, a cute boy in her class who was really nice but she never paid any serious attention to him. As she is emotionally beating herself up over this, an invitation to her five year class reunion arrives and she discovers that Nick will be flying in from Chicago to attend. Jodi realizes she may have one final chance to start over again and be with Nick – if he also wants to be with her. It is a big risk, but worth the risk and she decides to go for it.
This book is obviously a fantasy, a chance to make right a situation like the one I described above about lost romantic opportunities. If only it were that easy in reality. Although if it were, there wouldn’t be any particular need for romance fiction.
I hope you check out Reunion of Souls and enjoy reading it as much as I had writing it. I look forward to your feedback and comments.
Best Regards,
Paul Lonardo
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