One of the perks of being a writer, for me, has always been the research. With a journalism and
history background from college, jumping feet first into a time period or occupation to ferret out all the interesting little tidbits and nuances was almost as fun as doing the creative work. Research is like the perfect seasoning to give writing just the right flavor. Too little and it’s bland. Too much and it’s overpowering.
Over the past decades, I’ve ridden with Texas Rangers, flown sea planes, harvested rum, learned how to handle firearms and self-defense, studied how to cast spells and travel dimensions, and have stalked serial killers . . . all in my local libraries and at my keyboard. But the most fun, are the onsite explorations. Caribbean rain forests and turquoise waters, Mexican resorts and markets, Las Vegas trams and magic shows, Washington D.C. hotels and escalators that go on forever, treacherous mountain roads in Tahoe and Reno, the seacoasts of Marblehead and Salem, New York City with its vibrant spirit, and especially New Orleans. I LOVE New Orleans. You couldn’t ask for a better place to set a paranormal series. Spending time in the Quarter and on the bayous enriched my By Moonlight series with an infusion of heat and sultry fragrance you can only discover by being there. See if you can find the scenes in HUNTER OF SHADOWS that match these photos I took.
What books have you read that made you feel like you were there and how did the author accomplish it?
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