And while this other book is not part of her Malory series, my all time favorite Johanna Lindsey book is A Man to Call My Own. This tells the tale of twin sisters Amanda and Marian, the jealousy one twin feels, the “ugly duckling”, a trip out west, and a mistaken identity. I loved this book because while both twins are absolutely beautiful, Marian downplays her looks because of her sister’s vindictive scheming ways.
When she was younger, Marian tried to have suitors, only to have her sister seduce them then dump them once they were “used” goods. Now that they are older and Marian has changed her looks for the worse, another tragedy strikes. When the twins move to the west to live with their aunts, things go from bad to worse. When both Amanda and Marian set their sites on hunky Chad Kincaid, both come out spitting and ready to fight. Will it be beautiful but spiteful Amanda or “ugly” but nice Marian who wins the dream man?
I have read this novel over and over again. With Johanna Lindsey’s “ugly duckling” scenario in this story, it is a definite heart breaking tale that you must read.
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