In the past three years, I have published five books with California-based Eternal Press, five more to come as of this moment. Most of my stories, suspense and romance, have lesbian main characters. Marriage equality is a subject that comes up inevitably as some of these couples make decisions about their shared future.
The conversation has changed between the time I first wrote these upcoming novels and now, only weeks away from the decision that will hopefully grant all loving couples the right to marry. Equal marriage has more supporters than ever, and few doubt that the Supreme Court will rule in favor.
This also means for us writers that we will be able to tell a different kind of stories, glorious Happily Ever After, love prevailing over prejudice. A happy ending, of course, doesn’t always need to have a wedding. Not all couples, in real life and fiction, will choose to marry but having the option does make a difference. It’s a universal, archetypal ritual.
It matters.
Opponents have also changed tactics as they’ve come to realize that they aren’t likely to win: The new strategy is to pass “Freedom to discriminate” bills under the guise of religious freedom.
When all those books come back for edits, the characters will have a different conversation too: They will most likely be able to get married if they choose to do so, but a wedding planner might refuse to work with them, a doctor might refuse to treat their newborn baby, or they could still get fired in places where protections aren’t in place.
Fiction can reflect progress, and the work that still needs to be done””and the scenarios above show that there’s a lot of work left. Marriage is not the only issue, but it’s an important one. The idea of finding love, committing to that person, is something that opens hearts and minds. More stories and more visibility create more conversation, have the power to open hearts and minds.
Equal marriage is not only an LGBT issue””each couple that makes that decision has to take a look at their relationship. You don’t hear homophobic statements from straight people who are in a fulfilling and equal relationship themselves.
I’m looking forward to making all those edits and bringing my stories up to date with the time. After all, it’s all about love, and all love deserves respect.
If you’d like to check out my works so far, please check out my blog Word Affair. Thank you & thanks to Coffee Time Romance!
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