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Interview with Isis Sousa


Hi Synithia! I just wanted to thank you and Coffee Time Romance for the amazing opportunity and support 🙂

Welcome, Isis! It was my pleasure getting to know you through this interview. Let’s start with you telling us a little about yourself?

Hey there, Coffee Time Readers! I am an illustrator turned author by accident… or curiosity! I write Dark Fiction on my free time, usually at weekends and holidays. I am Brazilian and have been living in Mid-Norway since 2009, in a beautiful small valley with my best half. I am passionate about Arts, music and dark things.

Tell me about your latest book As Cold As Thorns?

This is the story of a humble young tailor turned into royal celebrity at the beginning of the 1800s. He is passionate about his work and falls in love with a woman he could not have… While that happens, something of a dark and treacherous nature takes over his soul, little by little. I have worked with beta readers for the first time and their help turned the work much better than it could have been. Also, I am very happy with how they layout turned out ^.^

Beta readers can be such a huge help. What was your inspiration behind As Cold As Thorns?

The first “splash” of inspiration was a painting that I had done for my portfolio. A personal work, which is the same I used as book cover. After I painted that female character I began more and more imagining lose scenes with her. And after some time, I imagined a male character to counterpart her. Then again, began imagining scenes and dialogues between them two, and a year or more later I had the idea for the story, then I began writing late Spring 2016.

Do you have a favorite scene from your book? Which one and why?

Oh… I have some scenes yes… :3 I will mention two of them without spoiling too much… “The Funeral Scene”, which has a heavy air in itself, but also much strength. The funeral itself is quite fantastic since it is not a conventional one. The other scene is when Amélia and Henrique have met for the first time. It is bittersweet. Why I like these two in particular? I think they show the very essence of the characters in question, who they really are.

Hmm, an unconventional funeral. Sounds interesting! Tell me more about your Tragic Books brand?

I am an illustrator, I write and I take photos when I go around on trips. I thought about a brand/a label which I could use for all these various aspects of my work, rather than having different pen names and websites. When readers see that label they know that they will get illustrated dark fiction OR an art book with some dark element. Why the peculiar name? Well, I thought about the “comic books” concept – books with text and illustrations. “Tragic Books” would be something in that line, with the dark aspect being its main focus.

For someone who hasn’t read your work before, why should they give As Cold as Thorns and your other illustrated stories a try?

Hm, I think the illustrations alone could be a nice entertaining touch 🙂 I love illustrated books, and believe anyone who enjoys them too would feel at home! Each author has his/her own unique voice… And I have mine. My stories are “the devil is in the details” kind of thing. There are interesting nuances hidden between the lines, on the small things. Also, I praise the Dark, the Fantastic and the Romantic side of the craft. If you like those, then there’s a chance you’d like my work as well, so I hope 😉

Do you have any other projects you’d like to tell me about?         

Yes! There is one, very special, which I published recently… It is an Art Book / Coffee Table Book titled “The Picture of Dorian Gray in Quotes and Nudes” – where Clare Diston, Celine Frohn and I have selected our 60+ favourite quotes from Oscar Wilde’s Gothic Classic, and made it into a book, packed with 20 art nude studies of mine. It was licensed for a limited edition and all sales will be to pay the costs with the licensing and the work we did. So hopefully, we will be able to sell out the copies :3 The only place where you can buy it is via Tragic Books website.

Sounds like a fun project! You’ve said you’re also an illustrator, do you illustrate other projects outside of your books?
Yes, in fact illustration and graphic design are my day job! I do Fiction and Non-Fiction covers for indie authors and presses, though in my portfolio you will only the fiction covers. I love working in the book industry, helping other authors to see their book dreams come true! ^.^ I have made quite some amazing friends throughout the years as well. Also, once a week, I teach arts at the local school, I have done it only for less than a year so far and it is a very gratifying work.

Are you a pantser or a plotter when it comes to writing?

I’m more of a pantser, even though I do plot some simple outlines. I go with my characters, I let their voices guide the storyline and I experiment a lot. I do a lot of thinking before I write things down. I try to treat my writing as a canvas, where there is a weak sketch of a composition, but always room for improvisation.

Last fun question, if money were no object what hobby would you pick up?

I would paint – for my self – full time! O.O This has always been my dream, since I was a kid, but I hardly have time to paint anything personal, since I need income, client work always comes first.

Darn day jobs! They always interfere with what we love. Thank you so much for a great interview, Isis! To learn more about Isis and her books be sure to check out her links online.

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