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Cheryl Waters


Welcome, today we are talking with Cheryl Waters! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let’s delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about Cheryl Waters that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website? I am highly organized, I love a list and love even more crossing things off my list! I also love booking my next holiday so that there is always something to look forward too!

How long have you been writing? 2 years seriously.

What have you found most challenging about it? Writing the blurb for the back of the book! You would think that would be easy after writing the book!! I sit for hours looking at a blank page!

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional?  Yes I get emotional I think I find myself being the character. My second book though I found fun to write. For me it was something I could lose myself in during all the lockdowns. It stopped me missing family & friends when I was absorbed in the story line.

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood?  During the winter months I am very disciplined and spend my mornings writing. With running a B&B it’s not so easy during the summer months. In the winter I take my cuppa into our guest lounge, light the fire and spend a good couple of hours each weekday morning working on my story.

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job? Oh definitely a hobby but I can always dream!

What inspires you? The countryside where I live. The beautiful rolling hills, the chateau’s and the beautiful villages. Also people that I have come across in life.

Let’s move on and give readers some insight into your personal life.   What are your pet peeves?  Poor customer service. Bad manners, and my husband not listening to what I’m telling him 🙂

 Who is your hero? Gosh I’ve thought long and hard but I don’t actually think I have one although Patrick Swayze is up there …. After my husband of course!!

Give us one thing on your bucket list. To visit Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia in a campervan!

What would readers find surprising about you?  My poor grammar!! I am too quick just wanting to get the words in the page!!

If you could go to heaven, who would you visit? My Nana Twink and grandad

Now that our readers know who Cheryl Waters is let’s get down to the business of your debut novel, In My Mother’s Footsteps. Please tell readers a little bit about it. “In My Mother’s Footsteps” Is a love story set over 2 generations. We follow Claire as she starts a new life in France but she is haunted by the letter her late mother has left her. The story then goes back to her mother’s life working at a beautiful chateau where she meets Claire’s father.  Claire finds love of her own as she starts the journey to discover who her father is but her relationship with Adam comes with complications.  Does Love win through in the end? You will have to read it to see!!

What was your hardest challenge writing this book?  Getting started. I had wanted to write for about 20 years but there was always an excuse for not having time. Covid took that excuse away so I had to sit down and start! I just put the first few words onto the page and let the story unfold.

What kind of research did you have to do? The story line was mostly based on places that I knew so it required little research.

What in your opinion makes good chemistry between your leading characters? Their shared love of France and it’s culture.

Any other works in progress? Yes my next book I hope to publish in May. I am just waiting on the manuscript coming back from my editor. I’m quite excited about this one! You can sign up for my newsletter to be kept informed of the publishing date.

Any advice for aspiring authors? Believe in yourself. Just give it a go they say all of us have a story in us. It’s an amazing feeling to actually hold your book in your hand and to know you did it! So don’t put it off any longer start writing!

Final words? I only ever dreamt about writing a book and I never believed it would actually come true or that someone would actually want to read what I had written. A special friend bought me a bookmark when my book first published which read “She believed she could so she did” so believe in yourself!

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