Declan Finn lives in a part of New York City unreachable by bus or subway. Who’s Who has no record of him, his family, or his education. He has been trained in hand to hand combat and weapons at the most elite schools in Long Island, and figured out nine ways to kill with a pen when he was only fifteen. He escaped a free man from Fordham University’s PhD program, and has been on the run ever since. There was a brief incident where he was branded a terrorist, but only a court order can unseal those records, and really, why would you want to know?
This book was so very, very good. I love the characters, especially Marco and Amanda; they were both complex and strong characters, but had issues with emotions. The action scenes were impressive – I could clearly picture what was happening. Finn’s take on vampires was unique in a genre that can feel flooded with the same kind of character, just with different names. The snark and humor made me laugh, the world-building and well-developed characters held me in awe. I would definitely recommend this book to someone who does not mind violence, a unique take on vampires, and a lot of action with a bit of awkward romance thrown in to keep those kick-ass characters from looking too cruel.
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