Hi! My name is Shadow. I’m so excited to be here! We’re gonna have so much fun talking books! At least, I am. I could talk books a mile a minute. lol
I’m supposed to introduce myself and tell y’all a little about me. I’m not really good at that part. So here goes!
My real name is Shadow. And doesn’t it play well into the theme?
My name came from a romance novel. I wish I could say it was from a paranormal book, but its not. It came from a historical featuring Native Americans. My mom has such a fascination with Indians. And books. Low and behold, my name! 🙂
I love reading. Only romance for the most part. And paranormal books dominate my book shelves. I especially love shifters!
I’m a cover whore. I’ll admit, I’ve bought more than one book because I liked the cover. lol Terrible, I know, but I can’t resist!
One click buy kills my bank balance. I’m an addict with a happy trigger finger! My kindle is my best friend. I laugh with it, cry with it, talk to it, shop with it, and lets not forget the fights. I pull my friend card from my bestie at least once a week. But I can’t live without it, so we make up. Which means, it always wins, I cave, ask for forgiveness and give my friend card back. Anyone else have this type of relationship?
I have a ton of pets. Five dogs (a great dane, pitbull, shih tzu, 2 chihuahuas), three cats (a black calico, grey calico, and a black one with white paws), and one new kitten (he’s orange with white paws). They’re spoiled. And they know it. *sigh* Makes it worse when they know it.
I live in Michigan. The snow is finally gone, but its still a bit nippy. I hate the cold. I’m looking forward to sunshine and warmth! So, where are y’all from?
Umm. I’m out of things to say. Any questions? I might have answers. 😀
Tell me a little about you!
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