It’s that time of year when we’re all looking ahead to a clean slate and full of enthusiasm about how we’re going to use this opportunity to make a new start. Drop those bad habits! Accomplish much more! Strive and reach and grow!! There seem to be two ways to approach this effort””resolutions or goals. Whichever, we tend to put them in writing or at least engrave them deep into our own mind and psyche! Many fall by the wayside quickly but some actually stick and work!
I thought it would be fun to question some of our participants about this today! Please welcome Rue Allyn to our forum.
CTBB: First tell us a little bit about you-the-author such as a title that came out in 2011, your publisher’s site and/or your own, and where you can be reached on the social networks that seem to be “where it’s at” these days.
RA: Hi, I’m Rue Allyn, author of erotic romances, and I’m delighted to participate. Thank you very much for the opportunity. Red Sage published The Widow’s Revenge in 2011 and will publish my first military erotic romance, Off Limits, in April 2012. You can find more about me and my stories at or at Red Sage Publishing.
CTBB: Do you favor resolutions, goals or just say phooey on it all??
RA: I tend to favor small, short range goals.
CCBB: What’s your rationale for this choice?
RA: A resolution is often a large concept or an end result. Large concepts like “I will lose weight” lack sufficient definition to be recognizably achieved. How much weight? During what time frame? What method will be used to lose the weight? Achieving results requires consistent effort, and if the desired result is large, the task may seem impossible. Setting a series of small goals allows for easily achievable results, which builds success. As we all know, success breeds success.
CCBB: Will you share with us something that your choice helped you accomplish, one that went down in flames, or the top one on your list this year?
RA: I’ve always wanted to lose weight but never succeeded until I decided that the goal should be specific and easily achievable within a specific timeframe. Two pounds doesn’t sound like much, but when I succeeded at that within a week, I lost three the following week and so on. It isn’t easy, but I felt much better about myself because I always achieved the goal and often exceeded it.
CCBB: What’s the weather like where you are today? If you could wrinkle your nose or wave a magic wand would you still be there or somewhere else in this amazing world?
RA: Today the weather is gray, cold and drizzly, with occasional bouts of heavy wet snow which melts almost as soon as it touches the ground. I love warm climates, soft breezes and gorgeous sunsets. So my magical place would be on a South Pacific or Caribbean island.
CCBB: Are you a chronic packrat, a travel-light-in-life devotee or in between?
RA: I hate to admit that I’m a packrat. We moved recently and are still unpacking. I’m constantly surprised (though I shouldn’t be) at the stuff I couldn’t part with. One example is my book collection. I probably have close to 3,000 paper and hardback books. Thank heaven for the invention of the e-reader. I still purchase the occasional paper or hardback book, but usually I’ve read the story electronically first.
CCBB: Thanks for taking part in our fun chat today and may the force be with you, your pen, keyboard and/or personal New Year’s plan!
RA: You’re very welcome.
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