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Friday the 13th … bad luck or just superstition?





It’s Friday the 13th

Does that make you a little wary of what the day will bring?



Triskaidekaphobia:  Fear of the number thirteen.


Paraskevidekatriaphobia:  Fear of Friday the 13th.


An obviously irrational concept that a mere number can bring bad luck to someone.  Or that a specific day of the week can be unlucky.  But that doesn’t stop us from dwelling on the possibility.


The tradition of Friday being a day of bad luck dates back centuries with some of the more common theories linking it to significant events in Christian tradition believed to have taken place on Friday.  The Crucifixion.  Eve offering Adam the apple in the Garden of Eden.  The beginning of the great flood.


Many sources for the superstition surrounding the number thirteen and its association with bad luck also derive from Christianity with the Last Supper being cited as the origin.  Judas was the thirteenth person to be seated at the table.


And when you put the two bad luck symbols together you get Friday the 13th”¦the day associated with misfortune.


Superstition is a belief or notion based on neither reason nor knowledge.  An irrational belief.  Lots of superstitions have their origins in the Dark Ages, a time when living conditions were so severe that people reached out to anything that might bring them help and solace with the results being explanations for what seemed unexplainable at the time.  Religious beliefs and lack of scientific knowledge helped to spawn many superstitions.


Superstitions differ from culture to culture, but we all have them even if it’s only paying surface homage to the concept.  We don’t believe in the good luck vs. bad luck of chain letters, yet it often comes down to saying what’s the harm, then sending out the letters.


We often follow the tradition of the superstition without really knowing why it’s the traditional thing to do.  If we blow out all the candles on our birthday cake with one breath while making a silent wish, then the wish will come true.  When expressing a desire for good luck (we’ll be able to go on the picnic if it doesn’t rain), we grin, then we knock on wood as we emit an embarrassed chuckle.


In Western folklore, many superstitions are associated with bad luck.  In addition to Friday the 13th, there’s walking under a ladder, having a black cat cross your path, spilling salt, stepping on a crack, and breaking a mirror among others.


In addition to cultural superstitions, there’s also certain occupations that evoke various rituals to bring on good luck.  It seems to me that gamblers and sports figures have the most superstitions and rituals to insure good luck.


Do you have any superstitions that you hold dear?  Are they more of a traditional situation handed down through your family or are they superstitions that have come down through the ages?


I’d like to hear about them.


This is the last of my scheduled blog days at Coffee Thoughts.  I’ve really enjoyed being here and hope to return to blog at another time (knock on wood ).






  • Judith Rochelle

    Okay, I just got my coffee (I have a brand new Keurig coffee maker that is my new favorite toy) and crossing my fingers and spiotting over my shoulder because I am the queen of being superstitious. I always say bread-and-butter when something comes between me and the eprson I’m walking with. I always thtrow salt over my right shoujlder and pepper over my left when I spill either one (not too many people know about the pepper). I believe whem my palm itches money is coming (although sometimes I have a very long wait!). I have my very own wishing well in my yard and I’m sure if I throw enough pennies into it the two things I’m wishing for will come true…sooner or later! And I really believe what’s written in Chines fortune cookies. My grandmother, who came from Poland, believed that superstitions guided your life and I think I inherited all of that from her. So this is my day to holw…according to the shapeshifters wolves in my computer!

  • April Vine

    I never knew how superstitious I was until well I discovered I was.
    I will never eat a Gatsby (a SA takeaway) again. The first time I ate the sandwich, we got news of my brother-in-law’s death the very next day. The second time I ate the sandwich, exactly a month later, we got news of my mother-in-law’s death the very next day!
    I also have a very rigid way of drying clothes on a washing line. It goes in this order – one item of my husband’s followed by one item of my eldest son, followed by one item of my youngest son and then one of mine. And so I’ll continue the pattern. I don’t know, maybe I think there’s going to be a WAR OF THE LAUNDERY and I want my children protected. (Oh, dear, I can’t believe I concretized that!!!)
    I also have a mere 11 months left before I can shake the curse of a shattered mirror – 7 years is damn long.
    I hate when there’s a gap in the drawn curtains, I always think a red single eye could look through it. (WHOSE, I DON”T KNOW)
    But I love to spill sugar accidentally – it means good luck and I always get some good news then.
    I swear I’m normal on all other fronts.

  • Emma Lai

    Great post! I love superstitions. I’d like to say I don’t believe in them, but who knows what habits I have that come from unconscious fears. I have some lovely Vietnamese superstitions for you though. For Tet, you have to clean the house thoroughly before New Years and after you can’t sweep lest you sweep away your luck for the year. If a loved one dies, you can’t cut your hair for 100 days. (Not sure why. I didn’t ask.) If you want your child to be smart, you’ll eat two swan eggs while pregnant. Those are just the most recent ones I’ve learned. My mother continues to throw little tidbits my way as she thinks of them.

  • Samantha Gentry

    Judith Rochelle wrote:>>Okay, I just got my coffee (I have a brand new Keurig coffee maker that is my new favorite toy) and crossing my fingers and spiotting over my shoulder because I am the queen of being superstitious<> So this is my day to holw…according to the shapeshifters wolves in my computer!>>

    Judith: A coffee pot first thing in the morning is definitely an important thing and deserves whatever it takes to make sure it produces coffee!

    And as for the validity of those shapeshifters…well, who’s to say they aren’t correct?

    Thanks for posting.

  • Samantha Gentry

    April wrote:>>I also have a very rigid way of drying clothes on a washing line. It goes in this order – one item of my husband’s followed by one item of my eldest son, followed by one item of my youngest son and then one of mine. And so I’ll continue the pattern. I don’t know, maybe I think there’s going to be a WAR OF THE LAUNDERY and I want my children protected.I swear I’m normal on all other fronts.<<

    April: LOL…have you considered that a clothes dryer might be just the thing to eliminate the possibility of a Laundry War?

    And the part about being normal…yes, I can relate to that. Me, too, as normal as can be. Yep, definitely normal. I don’t care what those voices keep saying.

    Thanks for posting.

  • Samantha Gentry

    Emma Lai wrote:>>If a loved one dies, you can’t cut your hair for 100 days. (Not sure why. I didn’t ask.)<<

    Emma: I think that’s the way it is with so many superstitions. They continue to be repeated and handed down, but we don’t know why. At some point in time they were something that made complete sense to the people adhereing to them.

    Thanks for sharing some of your Vietnamese superstitions. So many different superstitions from various cultures pique the curiosity about where and why they originated.

  • April Vine

    Great idea, Samantha, provided of course they spun in that order. Didn’t you hear about THE DRYER WARS.
    Oh, and can I please take my e back from laundry?

  • Lisa Lane

    I’m superstitious, despite the fact that I feel I should “know better.” I grew up in a house where half of the people were regularly studying “magick” or herbs, and thus I grew up with some very magical thinking. It is hard not to see a possible superstitious cause and effect, when one has grown up watching the cause and effect of spellwork and divination tools. Although I no longer subscribe to witchcraft, and I stopped reading my tarot years ago, I cannot shake the superstitious thinking. My biggest ones, for whatever reason, have to do with numbers and spilled salt.

    I do have to say, though: in the theatre, Friday the 13th is considered GOOD LUCK, if the show opens on that day. I was lucky enough to have a show open on Friday the 13th, once; they opening was spectacular … and then the car broke down on the way home….

  • Linda Wisdom

    There’s a lot of things that have to do with my writing that I’m very superstitious about. Black cats walking in front of me don’t bother me and I’ll walk under a ladder, but that’s it.


  • Samantha Gentry

    April wrote:>>and can I please take my e back from laundry?<<

    April: Of course you can. After all, it’s your e! 🙂

  • Samantha Gentry

    Lisa Lane wrote:>>I’m superstitious, despite the fact that I feel I should “know better.”<<

    Lisa: I think that’s true of so many superstitions, we logically and intellectually “know better” but that doesn’t stop us from crossing our fingers when wishing someone good or tossing the salt over our shoulder after we’ve spilled it. And having grown up with Magick (I’m assuming Wicca), that gives you a reaffirming of what has been handed down.

    Thanks for posting.

  • Samantha Gentry

    Linda Wisdom wrote:>>There’s a lot of things that have to do with my writing that I’m very superstitious about. Black cats walking in front of me don’t bother me and I’ll walk under a ladder, but that’s it.<<

    Linda: I know what you mean about writer superstitions. I think it’s bad luck to let someone read a manuscript before I’m finished with it. Same way with talking about projects I’ve submitted and have under consideration. If I talk about them in any detail, then they’ll be rejected.

  • Julie Robinson


    if someone considers numbers to have meanings (numberology), then 13 could be considered occult, or hidden/unknown, but so could any other number. In an effort to rebel against superstition, I have always looked at Friday the 13th as a lucky day. If there is any bad vibes associated with it, then what better way to combat that force than by doing positive acts which promote generosity and feelings of happiness.

    Now when Friday, the 13th, falls in the month of February, it’s even better because that puts Valentine’s Day on a Saturday, which is ideal whether you’re single and able to go out that night, or if you’ve been married quite a while and one or both plod to work every weekday, looking forward to having Saturday to spend together or with family.


  • Julie Robinson

    Just wanted to say that I enjoyed your 3-day post.
    And you said this was your first time blogging?
    Because you chose some great topics.

  • Julie Robinson

    One last thought on superstitions. I believe that it’s all a matter of perception. If someone is superstitious, then that colors their perception of events, which then becomes their reality. Likewise, someone who is not superstitious has a different view.

    It is like a scientist and a poet looking at a cloud. The scientist will see the variations in the forms of the clouds, know what they are called and what they are made of whereas a poet looks at the clouds and sees beautiful colors when the sun is shining through or that the shapes of the clouds form pictures. Same event or situation, different perceptions.

    Therefore, if one believes that Friday, the 13th, is bad luck, then any bad event that happens during the day is instantly attributed it being a bad luck day. I even dare say that what you expect to happen may just happen, thereby validating your beliefs.


  • Samantha Gentry

    Julie wrote:>>I have always looked at Friday the 13th as a lucky day. If there is any bad vibes associated with it, then what better way to combat that force than by doing positive acts which promote generosity and feelings of happiness.<<

    Julie: Same here. I’ve never treated Friday the 13th as a bad luck day. It’s what the individual projects onto any given situation that works toward shaping and defining it.

  • Samantha Gentry

    Julie wrote:>>Just wanted to say that I enjoyed your 3-day post.
    And you said this was your first time blogging? Because you chose some great topics.<<

    Julie: Thanks. I was nervous at the beginning, not knowing what was going to happen (I had visions of no one leaving a comment). But it turned out to be a fun experience.

  • Samantha Gentry

    Julie wrote:>>One last thought on superstitions. I believe that it’s all a matter of perception. If someone is superstitious, then that colors their perception of events, which then becomes their reality. Likewise, someone who is not superstitious has a different view.<<

    Julie: I just said something similar in answer to your other comment. However, I forgot to log in first so the system put me on moderation and that comment hasn’t posted yet. 😳

  • Samantha Gentry

    And one more thing … we have another Friday the 13th coming up next month!

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SAUCEPANS AND THE SINGLE GIRL                                                                       Sign up for our Email Newsletter               SAUCEPANS AND THE SINGLE GIRL JINX MORGAN AND JUDY PERRY ISBN:0-446-69692-7 May 10, 2006 Time Warner Books 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 Hardback $13.95 U.S./$18.95 Canada 256 Pages Home & Family/Cookbooks & Cookery Rating: 5 Cups Tired of sitting around waiting for that certain someone to appear at your doorstep or for that one meal to lace comfort all the way to the soul? Look no further, whether dining by candlelight or outside under a lovely oak tree on a picnic, these recipes capture any heart while making memories to last a lifetime. The recipes inside Saucepans and The Single Girl sound so scrumptious they had my taste buds swimming for the flavor of one succulent bite. Ideas so amazing and loaded with entertaining useful tips for any woman beginning an independent life, it had me mesmerized. A man could use some of these great dishes too. This updated edition with new observations, charming illustrations and a look back at how things were forty years ago is refreshing, humorous, engaging and a remembrance into times past. Financial issues never change and this sweet book shows how to stretch in so many ways on any budget. The recipes show how to toss together something quickly, to help locate that one person to spend life with and share tons of happiness together always, not to mention a reflection back into time with precious memories that touch the heart and soul. Saucepans and The Single Girl is one gift that should go to anyone just starting out or starting over. Jinx Morgan and Judy Perry dem... ...

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Eros Element by Cecilia Dominic August 25, 2015

Aether Psychics: Book 1

After enduring heartbreak at the hands of a dishonest woman, Edward Bailey lives according to scientific principles of structure and predictability. Just the thought of stepping outside his strict routine raises his anxiety.

Adding to his discomfort is Iris McTavish, who appears at his school’s faculty meeting in place of her world-famous archeologist father. Worse, the two of them are to pose as Grand Tourists while they search for an element that will help harness the power of aether.

Iris jumps at the opportunity to prove her worth as a scholar—and avoid an unwanted marriage proposal—while hiding the truth of her father’s whereabouts. If her secret gets out, the house of McTavish will fall into ruin.

Quite unexpectedly, Edward and Iris discover a growing attraction as their journey takes them to Paris and Rome, where betrayal, blackmail and outright theft threaten to destroy what could be a revolutionary discovery—and break their hearts.

Warning: Allergen alert! This book was produced in a facility that handles copious amounts of wine, tea and baked goods. May contain one or more of the following: a spirited heroine, a quirky hero, clever banter, interesting facts both made-up and historical, and lots of secrets. It is, however, gluten free.
Amazon  | Barnes & Noble August 25, 2015 Aether Psychics: Book 1 After enduring heartbreak at the hands of a dishonest woman, Edward Bailey lives according to scientific principles of structure...

Eros Element by Cecilia Dominic August 25, 2015

Aether Psychics: Book 1

After enduring heartbreak at the hands of a dishonest woman, Edward Bailey lives according to scientific principles of structure and predictability. Just the thought of stepping outside his strict routine raises his anxiety.

Adding to his discomfort is Iris McTavish, who appears at his school’s faculty meeting in place of her world-famous archeologist father. Worse, the two of them are to pose as Grand Tourists while they search for an element that will help harness the power of aether.

Iris jumps at the opportunity to prove her worth as a scholar—and avoid an unwanted marriage proposal—while hiding the truth of her father’s whereabouts. If her secret gets out, the house of McTavish will fall into ruin.

Quite unexpectedly, Edward and Iris discover a growing attraction as their journey takes them to Paris and Rome, where betrayal, blackmail and outright theft threaten to destroy what could be a revolutionary discovery—and break their hearts.

Warning: Allergen alert! This book was produced in a facility that handles copious amounts of wine, tea and baked goods. May contain one or more of the following: a spirited heroine, a quirky hero, clever banter, interesting facts both made-up and historical, and lots of secrets. It is, however, gluten free.
Amazon  | Barnes & Noble August 25, 2015 Aether Psychics: Book 1 After enduring heartbreak at the hands of a dishonest woman, Edward Bailey lives according to scientific principles of structure...

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Archipelago Books - New Website News

Archipelago Books - New Website News

2 0
Interview with Shiela Stewart 
Welcome, today we are talking with Shiela Stewart! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let's delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about yourself that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website?

I’m a sucker for animals. If I could take in every stray I would. I hate to see animals being abused, neglected and starved. If I see a cat or dog wandering around my neighbors, I’ll put food out for it. Going to the zoo breaks my heart. They should be set free.

I also love playing pranks and scaring people. I’m not mean about it though.

How long have you been writing?

Since my teen years. At that time, I used to write everything on paper. Some of my stories back then were 70,00 to 126,000 words. My hands were very sore. LOL

What have you found most challenging about it?

Promoting. I can sit and create a story from looking at a cracker, but promoting it is hell.

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional?

A lot of the time it’s a release. If I’m stressed about stuff I’ll sit and put it to words in my books. It’s also fun. I add a lot of humor to my stories mainly because I tend to write dark stories.

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood?

Definity in the mood. I try not writing when I’m in a sad or bad mood. I don’t have a routine. Whenever I get the chance to sit and write is do it.

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job?

Honestly, when I fist starting writing it was for fun, a hobby. But when my first book was published I thought it would be a job.

What inspires you?

Everything. As I said before about seeing a cracker is true. I can look at a sunset and build a story around it.

Let's move on and give readers some insight into your personal life. What are your pet peeves?

Right now. People wearing sock...

Interview with Shiela Stewart
Welcome, today we are talking with Shiela Stewart! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let`s delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about yourself that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website?

I’m a sucker for animals. If I could take in every stray I would. I hate to see animals being abused, neglected and starved. If I see a cat or dog wandering around my neighbors, I’ll put food out for it. Going to the zoo breaks my heart. They should be set free.

I also love playing pranks and scaring people. I’m not mean about it though.

How long have you been writing?

Since my teen years. At that time, I used to write everything on paper. Some of my stories back then were 70,00 to 126,000 words. My hands were very sore. LOL

What have you found most challenging about it?

Promoting. I can sit and create a story from looking at a cracker, but promoting it is hell.

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional?

A lot of the time it’s a release. If I’m stressed about stuff I’ll sit and put it to words in my books. It’s also fun. I add a lot of humor to my stories mainly because I tend to write dark stories.

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood?

Definity in the mood. I try not writing when I’m in a sad or bad mood. I don’t have a routine. Whenever I get the chance to sit and write is do it.

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job?

Honestly, when I fist starting writing it was for fun, a hobby. But when my first book was published I thought it would be a job.

What inspires you?

Everything. As I said before about seeing a cracker is true. I can look at a sunset and build a story around it.

Let`s move on and give readers some insight into your personal life. What are your pet peeves?

Right now. People wearing sock...

2 0
Interview with Joan Havelage 
Welcome, today we are talking with Joan Havelange! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let’s delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about yourself that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website?

I’m an avid golfer, not a good golfer, but an avid one. I go out in the morning every weekday.But I take weekends off and let the real golfers golf.

How long have you been writing?

I wrote a children’s story when my children were young. But I never tried to have it publish. Then in my 20s or maybe my 30s, I tried to write a romance. Again, I never tried to get it published. But by then, I decided I’d rather kill them than kiss them. So, I turned to mysteries. And in 2019, my first mystery, ‘Wayward Shot,’ was published.

What have you found most challenging about it?

Writing a murder mystery is not a problem for me. That comes easy. My biggest challenge in writing was my second book, ‘Death and Denial.’ I took my protagonist to Egypt. A country I had visited. I wanted to show my readers the sights and the feel of that country without making it a travel log. The mystery is foremost. I had the same challenge with ‘The Suspects. I took my protagonist on a bus tour through Northern Europe. I have had excellent reviews from my readers, so I have accomplished my goal of entertaining with the mysteries and showcasing the scenic and historic sights.

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional?

Writing a story for me is like reading a good book. I know that sounds a bit odd. But I write what I would like to read. It’s fun but maybe I do get a bit emotional. I almost killed a protagonist in ‘Moving is Murder.’ Spoiler alert. In the end, I just couldn’t.

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood?

In the summer it is hard for me to write. I live in Canada;...

Interview with Joan Havelage
Welcome, today we are talking with Joan Havelange! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let’s delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about yourself that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website?

I’m an avid golfer, not a good golfer, but an avid one. I go out in the morning every weekday.But I take weekends off and let the real golfers golf.

How long have you been writing?

I wrote a children’s story when my children were young. But I never tried to have it publish. Then in my 20s or maybe my 30s, I tried to write a romance. Again, I never tried to get it published. But by then, I decided I’d rather kill them than kiss them. So, I turned to mysteries. And in 2019, my first mystery, ‘Wayward Shot,’ was published.

What have you found most challenging about it?

Writing a murder mystery is not a problem for me. That comes easy. My biggest challenge in writing was my second book, ‘Death and Denial.’ I took my protagonist to Egypt. A country I had visited. I wanted to show my readers the sights and the feel of that country without making it a travel log. The mystery is foremost. I had the same challenge with ‘The Suspects. I took my protagonist on a bus tour through Northern Europe. I have had excellent reviews from my readers, so I have accomplished my goal of entertaining with the mysteries and showcasing the scenic and historic sights.

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional?

Writing a story for me is like reading a good book. I know that sounds a bit odd. But I write what I would like to read. It’s fun but maybe I do get a bit emotional. I almost killed a protagonist in ‘Moving is Murder.’ Spoiler alert. In the end, I just couldn’t.

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood?

In the summer it is hard for me to write. I live in Canada;...

2 0
Interview with Rachelle Paige Campbell 
Welcome, today we are talking with Rachelle Paige Campbell! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let's delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about Rachelle Paige Campbell that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website?

How long have you been writing?

I started publishing in 2015 and can’t believe it’s been nine years already. Truly, the time just flies.

What have you found most challenging about it?

Pursuing anything creative means making yourself vulnerable. You’re sharing a piece of yourself with the world.

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional?

Writing is all of those things and more. The start of a project is fun. Editing is cathartic, to take a rough draft and polish it to perfection. Hearing from readers is emotional. I process so much of my own life through writing (not that anything is autobiographical), it helps me make sense of the world.

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood?

I love a schedule but as a mom I have to be flexible. My ideal schedule, aka during the school year, is writing from 8:30-10am, exercising, writing/marketing/editing from 12pm-2:30pm on weekdays. I try to take weekends off, and I try to stick to working only during these hours so I have a balance between work and life.

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job?

I started writing as a hobby, but once I started publishing I began to think of my work as a job.

What inspires you?

I find inspiration everywhere. From funny things my kids say, articles in newspapers, hobbies I pursue, the list goes on and on.

Let's move on and give readers some insight into your personal life.

 What are your pet peeves?

When someone talks AT me. I call myself an extroverted introvert. I am outgoing and a people person. But I ...

Interview with Rachelle Paige Campbell
Welcome, today we are talking with Rachelle Paige Campbell! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let`s delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about Rachelle Paige Campbell that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website?

How long have you been writing?

I started publishing in 2015 and can’t believe it’s been nine years already. Truly, the time just flies.

What have you found most challenging about it?

Pursuing anything creative means making yourself vulnerable. You’re sharing a piece of yourself with the world.

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional?

Writing is all of those things and more. The start of a project is fun. Editing is cathartic, to take a rough draft and polish it to perfection. Hearing from readers is emotional. I process so much of my own life through writing (not that anything is autobiographical), it helps me make sense of the world.

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood?

I love a schedule but as a mom I have to be flexible. My ideal schedule, aka during the school year, is writing from 8:30-10am, exercising, writing/marketing/editing from 12pm-2:30pm on weekdays. I try to take weekends off, and I try to stick to working only during these hours so I have a balance between work and life.

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job?

I started writing as a hobby, but once I started publishing I began to think of my work as a job.

What inspires you?

I find inspiration everywhere. From funny things my kids say, articles in newspapers, hobbies I pursue, the list goes on and on.

Let`s move on and give readers some insight into your personal life.

 What are your pet peeves?

When someone talks AT me. I call myself an extroverted introvert. I am outgoing and a people person. But I ...

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Interview with Bobbie Grover 
Welcome, today we are talking with Bobbi Groover! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let's delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about Bobbi Groover that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website?

The biggest surprise might be that my first published novel was a coming-of-age story. It received many 5-star reviews and was used in several school districts. The most fun was being asked to be ‘visiting author’ and introduce the students to the joy and excitement of writing. They wanted me to write a sequel but my writing journey took an unexpected tangent. You see, I’m the quintessential insomniac, so I read a lot of romance paperbacks from the library to fill the long nights. As I finished each one I told my husband, “I could have written this.”  Finally he retorted, “Prove it. Sit down and write one.”  My husband’s dare was the impetus I needed to take the plunge. I have three published romances, all of which earned 5-star reviews and several first place and runner-up awards. 

 How long have you been writing?

I’ve been writing as long as I can remember.  I have a vivid memory of sitting in an empty stall of the stable on my Grandmother’s estate as a precocious five-year-old. I traced the outline of a horseshoe in the dust of the floor and imagined it was my pony in that stall.  I stood and pretended to nuzzle the equine.  On the wall I spied the empty water bucket and glanced inside.  A ferocious giant spider (remember, I was only five) seemed to glare at me amidst the silk of the web.  I went back to the house and drew pictures that told the story of the unlikely friendship between the equine and arachnid, although I believe I used ‘pony’ and ‘spider.’ My mother once told me my story was quite detailed and imaginative. From then on I was off and running, filling drawers with stories.

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you discipl...

Interview with Bobbie Grover
Welcome, today we are talking with Bobbi Groover! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let`s delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about Bobbi Groover that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website?

The biggest surprise might be that my first published novel was a coming-of-age story. It received many 5-star reviews and was used in several school districts. The most fun was being asked to be ‘visiting author’ and introduce the students to the joy and excitement of writing. They wanted me to write a sequel but my writing journey took an unexpected tangent. You see, I’m the quintessential insomniac, so I read a lot of romance paperbacks from the library to fill the long nights. As I finished each one I told my husband, “I could have written this.”  Finally he retorted, “Prove it. Sit down and write one.”  My husband’s dare was the impetus I needed to take the plunge. I have three published romances, all of which earned 5-star reviews and several first place and runner-up awards. 

 How long have you been writing?

I’ve been writing as long as I can remember.  I have a vivid memory of sitting in an empty stall of the stable on my Grandmother’s estate as a precocious five-year-old. I traced the outline of a horseshoe in the dust of the floor and imagined it was my pony in that stall.  I stood and pretended to nuzzle the equine.  On the wall I spied the empty water bucket and glanced inside.  A ferocious giant spider (remember, I was only five) seemed to glare at me amidst the silk of the web.  I went back to the house and drew pictures that told the story of the unlikely friendship between the equine and arachnid, although I believe I used ‘pony’ and ‘spider.’ My mother once told me my story was quite detailed and imaginative. From then on I was off and running, filling drawers with stories.

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you discipl...

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Halloween Pet Costume Event

Halloween Pet Costume Event ...

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