Jennifer Turner is a fabulous author who is a true master of
providing an entertaining tale, which enthralls the reader.
Logan is a unique personality with a very nonchalant attitude in the face of the undead and provided a unique spin. Kerestyn is the complete opposite of the traditional vampire persona and makes you cheer for him. The dialogue between the characters was hilarious and made me laugh out loud several times. The story is a rollicking good time; it runs the readers through an emotional gauntlet. Jennifer Turner has an incredible ability to ensnare the audience and keep them interested to see what will happen next. This is the first story I have ever read about a drug addict who is worthy enough to become a heroine.
About the book:
After living on the streets of New York City for over a decade, Logan Ellis admits her perceptions might be a little skewed. But twisted or not, there’s a satisfying irony in watching a well dressed vampire stand in the middle of a ghetto alley, windblown trash scraping small circles near his feet. What she finds even more intriguing, is waiting for him to decide whether or not he’s going to kill her.
Kerestyan Nelek hasn’t quite made up his mind. As the Lord of New York, he can’t allow a homeless drug addict, whose memories are packed with knowledge of vampiric existence, to run free in his city. It’s not the first time he’s been in this situation with a human, it’s just the first time in thousands of years he’s come face to face with one who doesn’t seem to care. And that’s what makes the decision so damn difficult.
What horrors would you have to witness before you went numb? How many years would it take for you to feel that way? What would it take to make you care again?
Logan’s answers are simple: the worst humanity has to offer, almost thirty”¦and something she never expected.
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