Dragons Rule – that’s what they say. Pietas ap Lorectic, the immortal hero from Bringer of Chaos (coming soon) will be partnering with a dragon. Eventually. In the meantime, he’s seeing dragons everywhere and dreaming about them. He doesn’t understand just yet what it all means, but he is eager to know. Is there a dragon waiting for him, or is it a symbol for something else in his life? Here’s an excerpt from Bringer of Chaos: the Origin of Pietas.
In this scene, Pietas is preparing for a ritual. He hasn’t seen his twin sister in some time. (FYI – Dessy, his twin, is known as Empress Destoiya in my Tarthian Empire series) The ritual is a formality that Pietas alone continues to perform. His people have long since stopped believing in anything mystical, but to him, it’s needful. She notices, right away, Pietas has dragons… everywhere.
His twin sister switched off the viewscreen she’d been watching, and faced him. Clothed in tight white leather from neck to toe, Dessy stalked toward him like a siren seeking prey. No taller than a human female, she reached the middle of his chest. His opposite in coloring with her flowing dark hair and eyes the color of moonlight, she bore no more than a passing resemblance to him. Except, as mortals had famously remarked, in the twins having the same “ice water for blood” and reputations as stone-cold killers.
“Good morning, Brother.” She ran a fingertip along the bottom edge of his mask.
He snatched her wrist and pulled her hand away, then turned her hand palm up, and while holding her gaze, kissed it. “Good morning, Sister.”
Their formal greeting belied their closeness. Dessy placed her lips where his had been, and licked her skin.
Heat flooded his cheeks. “Dess! Stop that.”
“Aw, you called me Dess. You haven’t done that in ages.”
“Thank you for coming. Are you ready to play high priestess?”
“Always ready to play with you.” Dessy picked up an ornate turquoise dragon he’d displayed on a glass table, and rolled the egg-sized sculpture in her hands. “I don’t know what you said to Father last night, but he was still furious when I saw him at breakfast. He’s all but accusing you of treason against the council.”
“I’m used to Father’s baseless accusations.”
She tossed the priceless carving into the air, and then caught it. “Mother hasn’t disagreed with him this time, but then she’s been quiet this trip.” She tossed up the dragon again.
He snatched it out of the air and returned it to the table. “I don’t need you to report on our parents.”
“No, I’m sure you have your own spies.” She trailed her fingers across a row of ceramic dragon statues on a glass shelf, and lingered on the last, the largest of the set. It portrayed him standing inside the protective wings of a massive silver dragon. “Really, Pietas, who keeps a statue of himself? And why all the dragons?” She picked it up, looked at the bottom, and then at him in surprise. “This is signed by–”
“Give me that.” He seized it and put it away.
She faced it backward.
Pietas turned it around again.
From Bringer of Chaos, the Origin of Pietas
By Kayelle Allen
An immortal’s loyalty never dies. Neither does his thirst for revenge.
Would you #Dare2Follow Pietas?
These twins are a blast to write. Dessy delights in pushing Pietas to the brink of insanity, and teases him in ways that make him both uncomfortable and angry, yet he adores her. He can’t understand why he lets her stay close to him, yet he can’t seem to help himself. Dessy uses every chance she gets to keep him off balance. I have a feeling I’ll be writing a book from her side of the story before long. Bringer of Chaos is almost finished, and I hope it will release in March or April. Join the Romance Lives Forever Reader Group and you’ll find out firsthand when the book is ready. There will be exclusive giveaways for members prior to its release. When you join, you get a free book right away, and another book the next day.
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