Tips for those looking to get their work published/break into the industry.
The best advice I can give to an aspiring writer is to read. Read dozens, hundreds, of the type of book you’d like to write until you’ve internalized what works and what doesn’t for you. Internalizing the format works better (for me at any rate) than a list of do’s and don’ts. In the process you should begin to feel how the words captivate you, how they have a music all their own. When you’re done, write the most engaging cover letter and 2-page synopsis you can. Believe it or not, editors and their assistants are pretty good at picking out stories and writers from the slush pile. They can tell quickly if you capture their attention, and that’s what it’s all about
Writer’s Space: Photos and a brief description of the place where they do their writing.
I have created my own tiny writer’s garret in my home. I don’t even use an entire room, although bookcases full of novels and research fill nearly every room of my house. By keeping my workspace tiny, I prevent spreading. Yes, I have piles, but they don’t escape me, and when they get too big, they’re right there to sort and toss. I complete my garret with headphones that allow me to listen to music while damping the ambient noise that comes from a house occupied by four people and five cats.
By the way, writing is not all I do in my garret. I run a business, pay bills and occasionally sneak over to I Can Haz Cheezburger?
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