Brenda’s Special Christmas
About 3 years ago, my husband had been sick the first week of Christmas. It wasn’t much just a little cold, however, you know how men are.
Then we got pretty grouchy complaining about Christmas, which is unusual for him. Comments like ““ “This Christmas stuff is stressing.” Or “It is hard to think of anything.” “You don’t know how hard it is.”
Now in the past he has always gone out on Christmas Eve to buy my presents and as the time approached he was still complaining.
I finally snapped and said that “I do all the decorating, I buy all the presents, and it seems to me that you could manage to buy my presents.”
Then he asked me if I knew someplace that could box something. I told him a place but didn’t think much about what he’d gotten.
When he finally wrapped everything. He came downstairs with a couple of presents and then a big box. I had no idea what could be in that box.
So on Christmas morning I opened up the 2 smaller gifts and then started on the bigger box which lead to another box, which lead to another box, which lead to another box, which lead to another box. By now you get the picture.
So on Christmas morning I opened up the 2 smaller gifts and then started on the bigger box which lead to another box, which lead to another box, which lead to another box, which lead to another box. By now you get the picture.
In the last box was a diamond infinity necklace, but not like the normal ones. It was set in white gold. After Christmas, I found out from the jeweler that he had gone into the jewelry store and designed the necklace before Christmas.
So the entire month he had been trying to irritate me on purpose and it really worked, but what a nice present. One of the few times he has been able to surprise me. I am attaching a picture.
Now to make your Christmas special, I am giving a way my book CHRISTMAS IN CAMELOT. I love this book and read it every year at Christmas because it is one of those books that makes you smile when you have finished.
Also on January 10th my new book package with Sue-Ellen Welfonder will be released. LORDS, LAIRDS AND LEDGENDS. This is 4 full books for the low price of .99 cent.
Brenda Jernigan is a bestselling author. Her books have been nominated for
many awards – Book Seller’s Best Award, The Maggie Award, and The Holt
Medallion Award. Publisher’s Weekly said, “Brenda Jernigan writes Romance,
Adventure and Magic”
She grew up living the life of a tomboy – climbing trees, playing ball, and excluding starry-eyed romance from her daily repertoire. Brenda discovered the love of books while taking her son to Story Hour at the local library — she was hooked. She set an ambitious goal and began work on her first novel. She continued to write six more novels in rapid succession. She figured having the same birthday as Ernest Hemingway couldn’t hurt.
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