Hello! I am here with two of my characters from SUMMERLAND, Rhiann Taylor and Brett Adams
Rhiann offers a little wave. “Hello everyone”
Brett gives his world famous grin “Happy to be here, and finally sit down with you face to face, Desi, so to speak of course.”
“Well, there is only so much we can do when you are merely a voice in my head.” I say trying not to fan myself with the cue cards.*Between me and you, audience, I am having a little trouble concentrating*
“So how do we do this?” Brett asks, rubbing his hands together. “Do we get to ask you questions, or are you going to ask us things?”
“Or is it more conversational?” Rhiann adds.
“Well the story flowed organically, let’s see if this will be as easy.” I smile, trying to reassure them.
“Summerland wasn’t easy.” Rhiann shook her head. “It was damn difficult.”
“Well,” Brett takes her hand. “It isn’t easy falling in love, for anyone.”
“Jimmy made it easy though.” Rhiann ducks her head shyly. “It was worth the pain, to finally accept him and what we have together.”
“Where is Jimmy, anyway?” I crane my neck to look out the studio door.
“He is recording,” Rhiann sighs. “So let me ask you this, in Summerland, I am constantly firing people,”
“Just your publicist.” I offer what I thought was an encouraging smile, she doesn’t seem encouraged.
“Fine, just my publicist, but I sound like Donald Trump. Why am I constantly flying off the handle like that?”
“You’re impulsive, was just trying to convey that to the readers.”
“I thought it was fun when you got drunk.” Brett pokes her in the ribs..
“You’re fired.” Rhiann laughed, giving him a shove.
I clear my throat to get them back to the present. “Summerland has been described as sweet and emotionally rich. How would you describe the story?”
They look at each other for a moment before Rhiann finally answers. “I would consider it raw, I mean, I basically laid my heart bare for everyone to see. Losing Reed, falling for Jimmy, not knowing how to deal with my emotions.” She turned to Brett for confirmation. “I think I would have been considered a basket case.”
He nodded. “You had your moments.”
“Yeah, about that-“ Rhiann gives me the stink eye. “What was with the parties? I am not a party girl.”
“Not anymore anyway.” Brett added with a smile.
Rhiann turned the stink eye on him. “Just whose side are you on?’”
“Really, Gumby?” He sat back. “You really want to go there?”
“OK, you two.” I snap my fingers to get them both to back down. “To answer your question, in all fairness, I only planned the launch party. The pool party, as you well know, was Genie’s doing.”
“Ugh, that damn pool party.” Rhiann shakes her head. “How could I forget the embarrassment?”
“It all worked out.” Brett soothes.
“And!” I continue, because I know that if I don’t keep them on track, there will be chaos. “And- the clubbing was all Camp’s doing. That again was not me, I was merely—“
“Taking dictation—“ They say in unison.
“Yeah, we know.” Rhiann sighs
“So you’ve mentioned.” Brett nods looking off towards the door.
“What time is it anyway?” She looks around for a clock. “I’m supposed to meet Jimmy for lunch at noon and I have back to back meetings the rest of the day.”
“Where are you headed for lunch?” Brett pats his stomach. “Mind if I tag along?”
“Yarrow, No I don’t mind, and please, I am begging you, DO NOT hit on the waitress until after I get my food.” She began to gather her things. “Last time I ended up going to another restaurant for lunch.”
Brett raises his hand solemnly “I promise, no nookie, until after you get fed.”
“Thank you.” She gives him a quick cheek kiss.
“And thank you, Desi, for telling my story.” She quickly kisses my cheek as well, gripping my hands tightly. “It hurt, and was emotional, but am happy to say I am in a much better place now.”
Brett follows suit kissing my other cheek. “Yeah, she is in a much better place emotionally. But still has a little bitch left in her.”
“Hey?!?” Rhiann slaps his arm.
He rubs his arm slowly “What? That is a good thing.”
Coming up next, folks—I’ll be talking about my latest works. A humorous romantic short, a romantic murder mystery, and my current wip
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