Who here has a cell phone? Please raise your hand. Okay, put them down. Wow. Lots of people. Now, how many of you use them while driving? SLAP! I have to say that seeing someone drive while on the phone is the most aggravating thing. Can you not wait until you get home to catch up on the latest gossip or talk to your mate? I waited five minutes at a stoplight the other day while the light was GREEN because some nimrod was ahead of me on the phone, and didn’t notice the light change. I yelled, screamed, and pounded the steering wheel, but funny he didn’t hear me. Why didn’t I blow the horn, you ask? Because the $%#@ thing is broken! You want road rage? Just make me wait while you chat with your boyfriend/girlfriend!
Do I think they should be banned from cars period? No. Do I think there are times when you need to make a phone call? Yes. Do I think you should be allowed to do it while driving? HELL NO. If you happen to need to make a call, pull over to the side of the road and dial. If it’s that urgent, or if you’re upset about something, do you think driving and talking on the phone is a wise thing? What is this world coming to? How could we have dealt with doing this back in the ‘olden’ days? Can you imagine our parents (or grandparents for all you young folks) trying to steer the horse and wagon with a phone on our ear? What did we do before cell phones? Walk a mile to a payphone? Hitchhike? Okay, so hitchhiking is NOT a good idea, but honestly, we are such a lazy society.
How many of you will spend an hour looking for the remote for the t.v. before actually manually changing channels? I’ve watched my husband doing it, and wondered how a man who wouldn’t exercise to save his life can spend so much time and energy pulling the couch cushions out and moving furniture just to find a remote so he won’t have to move an inch to watch his favorite show?
And kids with cell phones. Goodness, they’re in high schools now chatting on the phone in the hallways. Who could they be talking to? The girl down the hall? I can see the kids having them in case they need to get a hold of their parents, or in case of an emergency, but let’s face it. They’re chatting with their friends and making plans for later. When my kids were young they passed notes in class. Now they’re calling each other. I just have to shake my head at it all.
They do have hands-free sets. I realize this. But no one seems to be using them. I heard somewhere that a person who talks on the phone while driving must be a pretty important person – to not be able to wait until they reach their destination before calling. I must be showing my age here, but I just had to get this off my chest.
Let me know what you think. Love to hear from you.
Donica Covey
19 years agoActually, I use my cell phone all the time. I know that there are some that it annoys and trust me when I see someone who can’t drive and talk at the same time (people like the idiot you were behind) it makes me want to scream. But I’m not in the “important” class./ I just have to be able to get in touch with people and there are times when it’s the only time i can talk to them. My life (loke everyone else’s) is extremely busy and the time it takes to drive somewhere is time I can be using for other things as well. So I kill two birds with one stone.
HOWEVER, the thing with kids and cell phones, that is a whole new ball park. My teenage daughter is dying for a cell phone and her father and I refuse to get her one. WE purchased our son a trac phone only because he had the money to buy the minute cards with his jobs himself and with his working and needing lifts and going with the kids at church on different trips it made it easier on all concerned.
When my daughter is 16 my view may change she’ll have more need of a phone then. But at school (and I really dont know why a kid needs a phone at school in the first place!)they should be collected before school in the home rooms and the kids pick them up at the end of the day.
Just my whole .02$ worth, I can wait on the change 🙂
19 years agoI agree. And don’t be doin it in line when I’m trying to a. check your purchases or b. do your xray registration. Giving me an annoyed look because I need your insurance card and I.D. and am daring to interrupt your important call to whoever cares about your new highlights in your hair, will net you a smack in the head!
Bonnie, perhaps you and I were separated at birth. Looking at the strength of our opinions, perhaps that is a good thing LOL
19 years agoI completely Agree, cell phones may ne great to one extent but they deadly to another. If you have to make or take that call, pullover. Too many people die every year from automobile accidents and more than their share involve someone talking on a cell. SO I’m asking for your car, the car behind and infront of you, the family your paying attention to the road will save, not to mention your own family. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO WHATS GOING ON AROUND YOU AND NOT WHO IS ON THE CELL PHONE.
19 years agoCell phones have their place, but I’m a little sick of the people who are so important that they have to bare their private life in public. I too am sick of driving behind morons who couldn’t walk and chew gum before they got a cell and now they’re trying to drive and talk. Egads. I think it’s only fitting that when they die their tombstones should read “Can You Hear Me Now”.
As far as the “blue tooth” invention which provides these same idiots the opportunity to talk handsfree…I for one am sick and tired of responding to their question because foolish me, I thought they were talking to moi. It used to be that people who walked around and talked to themselves got locked up, but now if you have something hanging on your ear, it’s okay. You’re just considered well-to-do, instead of ignorant.
Boy, did you unleash my frustrations on this topic. Thanks, I guess I needed to vent.
19 years agoI, too, am sick and tired of those people who are so self-important that they can’t pull over and make their phone call when driving. These are the same morons that couldn’t walk and chew gum, and now they’re driving and chatting. Egads. I think it’s only appropriate that when they die, their tombstones should read “CAN U HEAR ME NOW?”
As for the new “blue tooth” invention that allows these same morons to be handsfree, I’m constantly amazed by people who walk around and appear to be talking to themselves. I’m sick of feeling like a fool when I answer because I thought they were talking to moi. In the olden days when people walked around talking to themselves, we put them on medication or locked them up. That still might be the answer. 🙂
Kids with phones. Why not, we buy them everything else they want. It’s all the phone companies ploy to make us buckle under peer pressure and as evidenced by the spoiled brats running around today with a phone stuck to their ear…it’s working.
Boy, I guess I needed to vent. Thanks for bringing up the topic.
Toni Anderson
19 years agoI agree. I don’t have a cell phone anymore–I did in the UK, for emergencies (like iniment labor :)). It is illegal to use a phone in the car in the UK, unless it is hands free. And I hate to see kids with phones–again, emergencies for older teenagers or kids out on their own (so older), not for young-uns 🙂