WHISPERINGS OF THE SOUL BRITTANY KINGSTON ISBN# Unavailable September 2007 Eternal Press www.eternalpress.com.au E-Book $2.95 60 Pages Poetry Rating: 3 Cups Poetry is the…
VOICES SILENTLY SPEAKLENA RAIISBN: 1-4137-5960-210 March 2006Publish America LLCwww.publishamerica.comtrade paperback$11.9595 pagesPoetryRating: Lena Rai’s life is revealed within each page of this book of poetry—the journey from…
TRACES OF LOVEVARIOUS POETSISBN# 0-9752868-5-4May 2005Vintage Romance Publishingwww.vrpublishing.comPaperbackPrice $14.95Pages: 100PoetryRating: Traces of Love is a book filled with poems that will touch the heart and make…
THE COLLECTED POETRY OF NIKKI GIOVANNI NIKKI GIOVANNI ISBN# 978-0-06-072429-0 November 2006 HarperCollins Publishers 10 East 53rd Street, New York, New York 10022 Hardcover…
TAPESTRY WINGS STEPHANIE SULLIVAN ISBN# Not Available August 2008 Wild Child Publishing www.wildchildpublishing.com E-Book $3.25 75 Pages Poetry Rating: 4 Cups Mothers, fathers, sisters,…
SLICED ICE CREAM TAMMY LYNN WHISMAN ISBN: 1-4241-9921-2 November 2007 Publish America, LLLP 111 E. Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701 Trade Paperback $16.95 111…
PARDON US MS. WRITER MEGAN EASLEY-WALSH ISBN#: 1434899799 May 3, 2008 Create Space 100 Enterprise Way, Suite A200, Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Trade Paperback…
POEMS TO USE WHEN HIDING FROM THE SHADOWSLIZ DEJESUSISBN# 1424102537February 2006Publish Americawww.publishamerica.comPaperback$14.95108 PagesPoetryRating: Poetry has been a little hard to find over the past few years.…