Hello readers, writers and friends. I’ve missed everyone but we really needed to take a break and rethink our event a bit. I hope you will like the new and improved version! A few of the changes are some enhanced and spectacular prizes, a reader co-host who’ll be sharing the hot seat with me and usually some special activity such as a treasure hunt, a poll, or other game to keep our visitors busy and on their toes. Please let us know what you think, what you like and don’t like and anything else you’d like to see! This is your event so help us shape it to your needs and wishes!!
The old ‘rule’ that you have to comment to be entered into the drawing pool still holds, We cannot know you are out there unless you check in and let us know. I wanted to do a treasure hunt today but am just getting over the flu and ran out of time to pull it together. My bad and I apologize!
Our theme today is broad, as all our future ones will be. Today we feature contemporary romance–from sweet to spicy-sizzling, straight, gay or whatever. Excerpts must be kept to PG-13 since this is not an age-restricted page but authors can share links to their sites or blogs if they want to offer something a bit more risque!
Last but not least, we’re only going to hold this party once a quarter but it will still always be on the first Monday. Our four dates are Feb 2–today, May 4, August 3 and November 2. The four themes, at least for now, will be contemporary romance, fantasy and paranormal, mystery and suspense, and historical. That should cover just about all the books that CTR reviews and sells in the bookstore!
By odd coincidence those months and days closely coincide with the secondary set of quarter turns or holidays on the old pagan/Celtic calendar. More on that in a bit. Today is Imbolc or Candlemas and also Groundhog Day, of course. It is sunny in south central New Mexico–hurrah!
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