Welcome to our Scare Me Silly day here at Book Brew. We’ve got a slew of wonderful scary and thrilling stories to share with y’all today as we get ready for Halloween!
I love October. THe weather is usually great and Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. The ancient Celts called it Samhain (pronounced saw-een or sow-win–more or lesss!) and believed that the veil between this world and other worlds was very thin around the witching hour so ‘spooky’ things might come through and we’d have to deal with them. Here along the border with Mexico we also take note of November 1 which is El Dia del Muertos or the day of the dead. It may seem spooky with lots of skull and skeleton decorations etc but is really more about remembering our dear departed. So hunker down around our virtual campfire here with a cup of cocoa (laced with Kalua–too yummy!) or some mulled cider, hot wine punch or good old coffee and let’s share our favorite ghost stories from camp days, favorite scary movies and of course lots of wonderful scary reads!
Giveaways as always. Our usual ‘instant winners’ when you hit a lucky number in the comment list, many freebies from our authors and the main $25 give cert to the CTR bookstore which we’ll draw and annoucne tomorrow to give late arrivals a fair chance too. We are now officially open for party time.
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