As I said earlier, I love baking. I’m currently working on two new stories, both involving food. Writitng romance and combining it with food, seems like a good idea to me (big grin). I don’t know about you, but my plans certainly never go to plan. Most of the time, things work out…but this time…..not so good.
It all started innocently enough. The children were playing, my husband was watching cricket, the sun was shining. The day held so much promise. I know, I’ll bake some macaroons. After all, I’m writing a story about cakes. I really ought to do my research. It’ll only take me an hour and so. And think of the ooohs and ahhs of delight from my family, when they see my colourful creations.
Gathering my utensils and ingredients, I began to hum a merry tune and picture myself in the guise of Nigella. Oh what a success this promised to be.
Disaster struck. My lemon macaroons did not rise. Nor did they come off the greaseproof paper. By now, I was feeling slightly irritated. However, they did taste nice and my eldest son stood on the side lines cheering me along. So I forged ahead and decided to make a batch of strawberry macaroons.
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