Claudine, you should have been a lawyer. you ask wonderful , thought provoking questions! 1. Do you plot all your novels out beforehand or are you


Claudine, you should have been a lawyer. you ask wonderful , thought provoking questions! 1. Do you plot all your novels out beforehand or are you


Are you at work, longing to be free from the confines of your cubicle? Sorry, I can’t help you there, but I can help you have


Are you at work, longing to be free from the confines of your cubicle? Sorry, I can’t help you there, but I can help you have


A bit of backdrop for THE UNSUITABLE SUITOR. I love reading regencies and just about each one I get my hands on deals with a Season


A bit of backdrop for THE UNSUITABLE SUITOR. I love reading regencies and just about each one I get my hands on deals with a Season


I thought I might want to let everyone know a bit about me. One question I get alot is “How do you come up with this


I thought I might want to let everyone know a bit about me. One question I get alot is “How do you come up with this