Well…I guess it’s about time for us to say goodbye. I had fun hanging out with you today. I hope you had a good time. If…
Hey! You’re still here! This is a blog for steampunk book lovers, right? So let’s talk about my steampunk world. I’m urban fantasy author D. Lieber,…
Hi again. It’s me, D. Lieber, urban fantasy author, steampunk, and…well, and a lot of other things. As I mentioned, today is release day! Yay! I’m…
Here’s the thing about steampunks. They. Are. Everywhere. Seriously. I’ve gone to comic cons, book cons, anime cons. Every single one of them had steampunks. I mean, who says you can’t wear your gear to the farmer’s market. Live your life, steampunks!
Like most steampunks, creating is a huge part of what I do. Making jewelry, making accessories and clothes. And most importantly for me, taking the laziest way possible to modify thrift store finds into awesome steampunk pieces. My favorite is to do a crossover, steampunk a non-steampunk character.
What am I like IRL? Take a nice calming cup of chamomile tea, then pour a shot of espresso into it. Does that sound gross? Let me go try it real quick…