… I am covered in Cats and Children.
Well, only one cat and one child, but sometimes they seem like more. I am writing from my living room in a rather chilly Ontario, back and forth from pouring orange juice and hoping my coffee will hurry up and brew.
My name is Anne Holly, and I am a writer with Rebel Ink Press. I’m happy to be here, to tell you about my series of holiday erotic-romances with Rebel Ink, and introduce myself a bit.
My stories, Good for the Goose and V-Day are already out. The Halloween and Thanksgiving stories (Like Magic and Charity) are with one of our intrepid editors. Bubbly, the New Years story, has just come back from my test readers, and should be submitted to the editors this week. It’s been a very busy summer!
As for today, it is not one of my son’s daycare days, so please forgive the typos and rambling thoughts.
This is how a typical writing day works for me. Up in the morning, feed the cat and the Boy Child. Try to get through the email, check on the books, and make sure my blog is updated. Then, I settle in to writing or editing, in the middle of reading Yertle the Turtle and helping construct a new tunnel out of blocks. If I’m lucky, I have a spot of solitude while my son naps. By evening, filled with supper and bathed, my little angel is off to sleep, and I can do my real writing – as long as I can keep my eyes open.
Why do I do this? I ask myself this question occasionally. Surely it would be easier to stick to mommy duties and my gig as a teacher, and have my spare time to myself. But, I know why I do this. I love telling stories!
My stories are about the best parts of life – moving on from past sadness and finding new love and passion. I like delivering characters, couples and stories that will affect my readers; make them see what I see in the redemptive power of love. To me, this is worth the giant coffee budget I go through every month.
So, today I am covered in cats and kids, and editing my last installment to the holiday series, so I can send it off. It’s a hectic, busy time, but I’m enjoying it. And I’d love to meet a few of you, which makes doing this even more worth it! So, please leave a comment or two.
Cheers, and have a great day!
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