I’ve been having one of those days today. Freelance clients galore, which is always good since that means $$$$ to pay the bills, but then I overslept, couldn’t find my password for the blog here, oh, and I can’t get my shower drain unclogged. Ever have one of those days? I’m having one today! But I still do try to keep my sense of humor since right now that feels like about all I have going for me today. *snicker* As to the shower drain, I’ve been trying to not use as many chemical based products so I’m trying the whole vinegar and baking soda thing. Have you ever tried to put baking soda down one of those drains that has the built in plug? 😯 Ugh! I ended up trying to shove it down the drain with my fingers and it got clogged on the workings before it ever got to the drain. Because of that, I have no idea how successful that little venture is going to be, it might be Drano here I come again if it winds up being more trouble than it’s worth. LOL
16 years agoLOL. Sounds like you are having one of my days!!! I have had days when it seems more prudent to go back to bed! I remember when our toilet got plugged up really bad. I told my hubby that one of the kids probably put a toy down the piping and he said, “No they are too old to do soemthing like that!” They were 3 and 5. Well he tried a snake then drano and pulled toilet up and put a new ring underneath and resealed it and everything and still it was plugged up! Then FINALLY after about a week with no working toilet, he pulled it apart yet again and checked. Sure enough there was a toy truck blocking the pipe. But hey men have to check things out their own way first!