I’ve been in and out. It is great outside in the sun and I am totally a sunshine person. Tomorrow it should be even warmer. Here, everyone still seems to be having fun; that makes me happy!
While I am here I will mention a dichotomy about me. I am a huge fan of sled dog racing, especially the two 1000 miles races, the Iditarod and the Yukon Quest. YQ starts this coming Saturday and goes from White Horse in Yukon Territory to Fairbanks, Alaska. The Iditarod begins the first Saturday in March and goes from Anchorage to Nome. Both cover some fierce wilderness country. That pic is my selfie at the Iditarod Headquarters in Wasilla last August!
Last summer I went to Alaska and met some of the mushers and their fabulous dogs. It was an awesome adventure and I would love to go back; I will go back! Next year my goal is to attend those races!
I guess it is kinda AZ Gaye who has this dreamed up this project: I am working on writing a non-fiction book about the women who run teams in these races. I met some of them and they are amazing. I think they are great role models for our young girls growing up and maybe getting a celebrity overdose these days. Here are some tough but still very feminine women who compete with men and do just as well in a very extreme sport. If you want to read about it or see some of my photos, you can visit my blog https: gwynnmorganalaska.blogspot.com and my pinterest page, www.pinterest.com/azwriter427/ There are two groups of Alaska pictures there, about 1/4 of what I actually took! It is really beautiful.
For a desert rat that is kinda weird, huh? But quite a few former Alaskans live in New Mexico which really surprised me. Even some who have raced etc. I guess that kind of tells you my dream and I do believe that anything is possible if you have faith and determination and just never say never. Dream it, dare it, DO it.
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