I thought I’d say a few words about my WIP. Unfortunately, I never work on just one book at a time. Okay, I’m a glutton for punishment. I’m editing a book I finished about the great fire of London and the plague”¦ Again a feisty heroine and a reluctant hero.
I guess I’m not into complete Alpha heroes. I like my guys to be a bit compassionate, the strong silent type and kinda stoic. We’ll see if I pull it off.
Then there’s the sequel to Heartsong, truly the book of my heart. I just can’t abandon the characters I created for that book. This first sequel is the story of Arthur, who also gets a bride he cannot abide!
I also have a tale I first placed in England. It didn’t work so I moved it to the states. But the time period and the location didn’t work either. A chance piece of research took me to Virginia after the war between the States. It worked and the book is now about half finished.
I’d really love to know if any of you authors are insane enough to try to write several books at the same time…
Mary Marvella
16 years agoI can do new stuff for one book and revisions for another. That’s about my limit.