I want to recommend some mystery stories by a very neat lady who happens to be a friend, Esther Luttrell. She has written for the movie industry and done many things in her exciting life but does write some good mysteries too! I'll just paste in from an annoucnement she did since I know I will screw up if I try to retype it!!
THE HAUNTING of LEIGH MAXWELL is available for all ebook readers: Kindle, Nook,
Sony, iPod – all of them!
A story well-calculated to keep you in suspense!
"A chilling suspense that delves into the heart and mind of the
innocent, the prey, and the killer . Atmospheric settings, believable characters
and unexpected plot twists will keep the reader spellbound. An intriguing
and eerie psychological mystery."
CLICK ON this impossibly long link, or go to amazon.com and search
for "The Haunting of Leigh Maxwell"
_http://www.amazon. com/s/ref= nb_sb_noss/ 191-2862309- 858137?url= search-alias%3Dstripbooks& field-keywords= The+Haunting+ of+Leigh+ Maxwell8cx= 14&y=18_
(http://www.amazon. com/s/ref= nb_sb_noss/ 191-2862309- 858137?url= search-alias= stripbooks&field-keywords =The+Haunting+ of+Leigh+ Maxwell8cx= 14&y=18)
The very special thing about this book is the proceeds are all going to two great causes–first trying to get some changes or at least reveal the 'unintended consequences' in the well meant but potentially bad laws on sexual exploitation of children etc. and to provide a few small creature comforts for a young man who is in prison for "statutory rape" because he is a little older than the girlfriend with whom he had a totally consentual relationship with her parent's knowledge and tacit approval until the girl decided she wanted to end it. Now his youth is lost while he is behind bars and he is labeled a 'sex offender' for life with all the ugly consequences attached to that!! He was not even 18 himself when the incidents occurred but the law is very unbending. Real protection of children/minors from exploitation and abuse is **very important** but to punish kids so drastically for experiementing or acting on what they think is 'true love' is very sad! So please check out this book and Esther's other work. I promise she is a good writer!!
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