ISBN# 0-9780846-0-8 E-Book and 978-1-4259-7630-9 Paperback
December 2006
1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200, Bloomington, IN 47403
E-Book and Paperback
$8.95 E-Book and $11.95 Paperback
76 Pages
Rating: 5 Cups
The principle of learning to eat healthy has been around for years, but whether a person follows such a plan is a different story. Just as giving the child a daily bath or learning to properly brush the teeth, so should a daily balanced diet be a part of their everyday life. To often adults follow short in teaching children a proper diet. In today’s lifestyle the child is given the easy way of just sharing a soft drink or a bag of candy or chips.
Following healthy eating habits should be shared by everyone. Unfortunately, too many people are in the habit of following instant this or fast food that, leaving the children growing up unhealthy. Statistics readily exclaim how adults and children are not eating the right nutrients as suggested in each daily allowance. Instilling healthy vegetables and fruit is usually disregarded. Such meals can lead to serious health problems.
Diabetes, autism, ADD, poor appetite and other things can be found in Real Life Solutions to Healthy Children. The introduction informs of teaching our children the benefits of living healthy. As adults, it is the parent’s responsibility to teach their children to eat right. This book is truly loaded in great education for everyone. There is a whole chapter dedicated on how to feed children. With each step followed in this book, change will not happen in just a day. It takes time but the benefits reaped will be rewarding.
Anne Arsenault has crafted an educational and informative book that is quite impressive. Not only does she enlist the right foods to eat, there are chapters on taking supplements, dealing with headaches, insomnia, sunburn, teething, teeth grinding, and a list of other things that are very beneficial for everyone. Ms. Arsenault is serious about children’s health issues and it definitely shows in all the research she has done in this extraordinary book. Believe me, Real Life Solutions to Healthy Children is a treasure of a book.
Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance
Reviewer for Karen Find Out About New Books
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