Of Water and Dragons: He’s a Roman soldier. She’s an enemy of Rome. The Romans call the land they want to conquer Caledonia. Nemu calls it…
1. Feels great brushing against my skin. 2. Looks hot with leather and tattoos. 3. I can’t resist running my fingers through it. 4. Feels as…
This is my last post. Thank you to the readers leaving comments and to CTR for having me as a guest for the Celtic themed blog…
Excerpt 2 from Beltaine’s Song, Book 2 Dark Goddess Trilogy, Celtic historical romance/fantasy Rated PG Blurb: For some, spring’s song is the sound of a harsh…
Since my Dark Goddess trilogy revolves around the seasons of Samhain and Beltaine, I wanted to mention one of the myths involving these two seasons and…
Excerpt 1 from Beltaine’s Song, Celtic historical romance/fantasy, Rated PG Beltaine’s Song is the second book in my Dark Goddess trilogy and is available now from…
Here is some more information on the ancient Celts that I thought I would share with everyone. Celtic society: Warriors and craftsmen (this included druids and…
Excerpt 2 from Cat’s Curse, Celtic historical romance/fantasy, Rated PG-13 Cat’s Curse, Book One: Dark Goddess Trilogy Enter Dark Age Scotland””a mysterious, dangerous & exciting place”¦…
I am often asked this question so I thought I would share a bit of information on these mysterious people. This is taken from my website…
Excerpt 1 from Cat’s Curse, Celtic historical romance/fantasy, Rated PG Cat’s Curse, Book One: Dark Goddess Trilogy, Celtic historical romance/fantasy Enter Dark Age Scotland””a mysterious, dangerous…