Genre: Dark Fantasy, Paranormal Women’s Fiction, LGBTQ Youltan lives a life of obligation and service, a slave to the desires of others, harnessing the strange and…
Twelve hours wearing his collar—that’s how it starts. But where does it lead when you give yourself over to what you want the most? From sessions…
Ryan is stubborn, he always has been. Patience has never been Thomas’s best trait. It’s been nine lonely years. Ryan thought Thomas was dead. Some secrets…
This is just what you need for Hallowween!
Some good old scary tale that will keep you up all night!! And if there’s some Male/Male hot erotic interplay thrown in, then the mix will be irresistible!!!
So what are you waiting for?
Learn all about my Virtus Saga and the latest release in the most erotic dark fantasy of the web.
9 books in all, 3 amazing characters with super-powers, 1,000 scorching heated MMF erotic scenes, 1 tense battle of good against evil: what more could you possibly want?
Learn more about Laura Tolomei and don’t miss her giveaway!
I could not be more pleased! When my publisher asked if I wanted to be part of Coffee Time Romance’s new Steampunk site, I couldn’t get…