Ashlyn Chase has been a registered nurse for 20 years. Ashlyn considers herself lucky. Her degree in behavioral sciences is a combination of psychology and sociology, so she has worked with and studied people most of her life. She never has to write out exhaustive character sketches to understand her characters or predict how they will behave. That doesn’t mean they don’t surprise her. Sometimes they take her on grand unexpected journeys. For her, it gives “character driven novels” a whole new meaning. Ashlyn has learned to go with the flow. To enjoy the journey is not only one of her writing goals, but also a challenge in life so she tries to follow where the story takes her. As such, she has lived in 17 different places over the years. At last, she’s all settled down and comfy in New England. Ashlyn has certainly made detours on her path, but she thinks she’s better for it. She’s having fun at any rate and hopes that if she enjoys the journey, so will those around her””including her readers.
Strange Neighbors is a riot a minute. The story has a merry cast of characters. Ghosts haunting the apartment across the hall, the vampire from the basement, the werewolf on the second floor, the hunky celebrity in the penthouse, his aunt/apartment manager aptly named Dottie, and one innocent nurse who has no idea what she has gotten herself into. Come along for a wild ride through the daily lives of the inhabitants of the building owned by pro-baseball player Jason Falco. The writing style of Ashlyn Chase is very unique with the perfect blend of serious and hilarious. I found Strange Neighbors well worth the read and was excited to find another talented writer to add to my to-be-on-the-lookout-for list.
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