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Nuclear Sunrise by Jo Carthage

It’s 1951, and US Air Force Captain Brian Flynn hails from Roswell, New Mexico. He’s twenty-six, queer, and back in the closet thanks to his homophobic father. And he’s deeply tired of alien jokes. But Brian has bigger worries than his hometown’s recent extraterrestrial reputation. Brian’s the new security director at a top-secret atomic energy research facility in the sage-dusted plains of Idaho. His job is simple: keep any plutonium from walking out the door, keep the scientists safe from themselves, or, failing that, keep them from killing anyone else.

Nuclear physicist Dr. Aaron Antares is a cowboy in every sense of the word: the boots, the attitude, the homoerotic overtones. But in addition to gleefully violating every security procedure Brian can come up with, he’s also keeping a secret.

Brian knows Aaron is dangerous long before he discovers his out-of-this-world secret. The man flirts too freely, laughs too loudly, and can’t play straight to save his life. But Aaron’s amber eyes and gen-tle offers of a ride home in the flurrying Idaho snows are wearing down Brian’s defenses.

Will these two men find love in the high desert, or will they be kept apart by the cruelties of the Atomic Age?


September 11, 1951

Experimental Breeder Reactor 1 (19.9 miles outside of Arco, ID)

Captain Brian Flynn slung his duffel bag over his shoulder with a grimace as he stepped out of the air force Jeep, boots crunching in the black volcanic gravel. An older white man in a lab coat hustled out of the massive white cinder block building that nearly glowed in the Idaho twilight. Brian settled his feet a little more firmly in front of the building that would be his home for the next two years as his ride peeled away, heading back east toward the saw-toothed mountains.

“Captain Flynn!”

Brian’s attention snapped to the approaching scientist, and he forced a smile; he had to make this posting work. He had to.

The man’s broad grin made him look a half century younger. Brian felt something lift in his chest. The man’s voice was a warm baritone when he said, “Welcome to our little science experiment.”

His hand-stitched name tag identified him as Dr. Zinn, the chief scientist of this project. He turned to face the installation, its anonymously industrial architecture stark against a sunset-gilded sea of scrubby sage and dark stone. “It sure is a shitty-looking building.”

Brian kept his face stony. “I couldn’t say, sir.”

Dr. Zinn’s gray eyes twinkled, but he kept a straight face. “They picked this site for the Experimental Breeder Reactor number 1—EBR-1 to those of us who know and love her—so if we all blow ourselves up tomorrow, it’ll be a thousand years of poisoned water for the local cows rather than a real metropolitan area. The fact that they built it to look like a high school gymnasium speaks more to the air force’s aesthetics than our mission here.”

Brian glanced back across the vast volcanic plain to the mountains, the last of the light shining off their man-eating snowdrifts. “Beautiful mountains though. I’ve never lived near the Rockies, and with all the sage, it smells like New Mexico.” He ground a heel in the gravel beneath his military-issue boots. “The soil here is all volcanic, right? So it’s too impermeable for any uranium spill to touch the aquifers of the Snake River Valley? Since they’re buried under a thousand square miles of pahoehoe and aa and the intrusive basaltic flows that underpin them?”

Dr. Zinn’s eyes widened. “I knew you had a physics background from your commander’s letter of introduction, but I didn’t know you had an interest in geology as well.”

Brian shook his head with a smile. “Only as it relates to atomic energy production. And I had a lot of downtime at my last base and free access to UCLA’s library.”

“Very good, Captain,” Dr. Zinn said. A gust of early fall wind blew around them, and Brian shivered in his thin uniform shirt. Zinn patted his arm, and Brian held back a flinch. “Let’s get you inside.”

He gestured for Brian to follow him across the parking lot toward the lab. A junior airman opened the door and saluted; Brian returned his salute and stepped inside. He yanked off his hat as the airman swept a Geiger counter over Dr. Zinn’s shoes, pants, chest, shoulders, and hands. Brian followed, holding his arms out for his wanding, eyes sweeping from the leaded-glass shielding around a sort of chamber on his left to a thick-walled vault on his right. Above him hung a tangle of tubes covered in a layer of asbestos that would carry liquid metal to the small reactor in the center of the building. Given the pipes’ design, Brian figured it would be a sodium-potassium alloy, rather than the light water or graphite the folks at Oak Ridge were experimenting with. Then Brian stepped through the metal detector, glancing up. A high catwalk swept around the three quarters of the building, presumably leading to a few control rooms and labs. And in the middle of everything stood a steel spiral staircase leading up to the nuclear reactor platform. No windows and only one way in or out; good for avoiding Russki spies, bad in case of a fire.

Dr. Zinn tapped him on the shoulder. “Captain, you can leave your bag with Junior Airman Freeman. He’s on the night shift again, and most of the scientists have headed home already, so he can keep an eye on it while we get acquainted.”

Brian nodded and laid the book-heavy duffel with what remained of his earthly possessions down behind the guard’s single folding chair. He straightened up, hiding a wince.

“I’ve got some paperwork for you in my office,” Dr. Zinn continued, “then I’ll give you the grand tour.”

Brian followed him along polished concrete floors to an office the size of a closet. Brian got the distinct impression Dr. Zinn would rather be out in the lab than in this tiny room, but leadership demanded a price from everybody.

“All right, son,” he started once he was seated behind his paper-engulfed desk. Brian perched on the edge of the chair and avoided leaning back. “We probably only need to have this conversation once. But this is an Argonne Labs project, and your authority as the incoming security director and as an officer in the air force extends exclusively to the uranium we are working with. The plutonium, too, when we figure out how to make it at scale here. It doesn’t mean you can tell my dozen-odd scientists what to do, even if they are pains in the butt. It doesn’t—”

Brian held up his hand. “Let me stop you there.” He tried to think of a diplomatic way to say it, then he just bulled through. “I don’t have a lot of ego tied up in this role. If by the end of two years, no uranium or plutonium has been lost or stolen, I’ll count that as a win. My commanding officer back at Vandenberg will as well.” Brian paused and then asked slowly, “Did he tell you why I requested this role?”

“No, son. He didn’t even tell me you requested it. I figured you’d been volun-told—”

“No, I requested it. Just like I requested Vandenberg right out of West Point.” He saw the doctor straighten at the name of his alma mater.

“Duty, Honor, Country?”

“Duty, Honor, Country,” Brian replied. He looked at the piles of textbooks heaped on the bookcase wedged between two overflowing filing cabinets; several of the spines sported Dr. Zinn’s name. “Cards on the table. I requested this posting because I want to be good enough to work here someday. I had the option of Los Alamos, Travis, or Oak Ridge, but I’m not going back home to New Mexico again if I can help it. Travis was straight security, no science. And Oak Ridge is working on weapons projects.” He leaned forward, eyes intent. “EBR-1 is the only project in the US focused on using atomic energy for peaceful means. That’s the work I want to be a part of.”

Dr. Zinn sat back, eyes beginning to brighten as he gestured for him to go on.

“I graduated with a degree in physics from West Point in ’48, but they didn’t want to send me to grad school right away. So I went to help run security at Vandenberg, to get to know the conventional weapons research side. With support of my commander, I applied and had been accepted to UCLA’s PhD program, was due to start this week, but”—he took a hard breath—“the air force had other plans. So this is me, doing my service so I can separate honorably in two more years and use my GI Bill to get a physics doctorate. And,” he said, lowering his voice with a tiny smile, “I find that when I’m stationed someplace with a lot of physicists, I get to have a lot higher quality coffee break conversations, no matter my actual title. I was hoping it would be the same here.”

“And a recommendation letter from a chief scientist for one of the national labs would go a long way to getting back into UCLA or an even better program when your two years is up?”

“I’m not gunning for that, Dr. Zinn. I’m here to do my job. I’m sure we’ll butt heads at some point, so I don’t want to have that between us. But what I want you to know is that I am here because I believe in your mission—good, reliable energy for millions. Turning a power that killed 210,000 people into a source of life. Helping with that seems worth spending two Idaho winters wanding scientists coming into and out of a cinder block building in the middle of the high desert.”

“You said two years. That’s how long your assignment is for?”

Brian nodded.

“You know we’re a time-bound mission,” Dr. Zinn said, folding his hands across his belly. “As soon as we achieve it—breed the plutonium from the uranium, that is—they’ll bulldoze this place, and no one will ever know that we did the work.”

Brian tilted his head. “But it’s not about credit, is it, sir?”

Dr. Zinn’s eyes caught his, widening a touch. “No, Captain. It never is.” Then he clapped his hands, leaning forward. “All right, it seems we’re on the same page. Here is the briefing packet Captain Jerush put together before he caught the bus out of Idaho Falls yesterday.” He handed over a black folder. “It has current threats, past incidents. Nothing too thrilling; I promise. You have a six person staff—”

Brian nodded. “That was in the briefing I got before leaving Vandenberg. I used the Greyhound ride from Roswell to plan out the new schedule until the reading lights went out. I’m going to put myself in the rotation with ten-hour shifts. So the rest of the team’s shifts will be seven hours of watch duty, which we can extend to eight for training, research, and paperwork if they end up needing it—”

Dr. Zinn gave him a knowing smile. “I do find that as the days get shorter, tempers do, too, so giving those young men a break will probably help everyone’s nerves. Can I ask which shift you’re planning on taking? Not because I have approval power of any kind, mind. I’m just curious if I’ll see you around for some of those ‘coffee break conversations.’”

“I’m that rare beast that enjoys nightshifts, so unless one of those under my command has a major preference, I’ll take those solo.”

Dr. Zinn nodded. “In a few months’ time, there’s going to be little enough sunlight during the day, so you won’t be missing much.” He took a breath. “There’s really only one of our scientists who uses the lab after eight o’clock.” He checked his watch. “We’ll probably see him when I show you the reactor. He’s a night owl. Honestly, I think it’s because he likes talking to the reactor when he’s working, and even he’s realized it scares the nurses. So he’s restricted himself to times no one will eyeball him over it.”

“I’ve worked with scientists before,” Brian said evenly. “Like I said, to me, that’s one of the perks.”

Dr. Zinn shook his head, neatening a stack of papers on the edge of his desk, which only threatened to unbalance the whole edifice. “We’ll see what you say after six months of dealing with his, shall we say, unorthodox approach to nuclear material management. It’s scared airmen off in the past.”

Brian frowned, leaning forward in his chair, barely feeling the fresh scabs on his back stretching under his uniform. “As long as the ‘unorthodox approach’ doesn’t lead to it going missing or irradiating anyone, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

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Meet the Author

Jo Carthage is a bi, cis woman living in Silicon Valley. In her career, Jo has worked with survivors of labor and sex trafficking in DC, helped get incredible women and queer folks elected to state and national office in three states, and thinks politics and science fiction go together beautifully. Jo’s grandfather worked as a nuclear physicist at Oak Ridge in the 1950s, but it wasn’t until a 2019 family road trip veered off course and she spent an afternoon at EBR-1 that she started to write Atomic Age fiction.

Jo was honored to have Nuclear Sunrise favorably reviewed by the Director of the Mescalero Apache Cultural Center and intends to donate a portion of proceeds to their important work. As a writer, Jo loves slow burn, hurt/comfort, queer history, enemies-to-lovers, and happy endings.

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Changeling Press, LLC new releases are on SALE Get your eBooks from Angela Knight @alicegene @gemmawoods

Passionate Ink by Angela Knight - The Forecast is in -- the future of romance is hotter than Arizona in August. But riding the wave to success takes more than stringing together a few love scenes or opening the bedroom door on your traditional romance. In this newly updated edition of her classic “how-to,” New York Times best-selling author Angela Knight shares the down and dirty details on writing adult romances that will have your readers haunting bookstores for your next book. Knight discusses how to construct a story with wildly sexy heroes and determined, courageous heroines, the romantic conflicts that keeps them apart, and the external conflicts that drive them together. She explains how to write fight scenes as well as love scenes, and the surprising things they have in common. She also explores the construction of dynamic, absorbing plots in which love scenes are crucial to the romance and not just skippable

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The Spy Who Spanked My by Gemma Woods - Pickpocket Tasha picked the wrong man to follow. After she witnesses an assassination, the sexy killer ties her to his bed. Marcus wants answers -- who is she? Why was she following him? To his surprise, his pretty captive enjoys all the sensual torment he metes out, and begs him for more. He`d never dared to dream of finding a woman who matched his craving to inflict a little pain on tender female flesh. Tasha will do anything to save her skin. She`ll even let the masked man holding her captive take her in ways she`s never imagined.

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Knox by Marteeka Karland
5 Cups Book Review - Marteeka Karland has done it again.  Her writing is engaging and keeps the reader enthralled until the very last word.  I loved Knox because he was a man who could see the writing on the wall and not fight the reality standing right in front of him.  Evelyn was a wonderful woman who when faced with reality chose to accept her feelings despite such a difficult past.  I enjoyed every moment of Knox and Evelyn’s love story and truly wish it the book never ended.  I highly recommend the writing of Marteeka Karland and the story of Knox and Evelyn.

Knox by Marteeka Karland
5 Cups Book Review - Marteeka Karland has done it again.  Her writing is engaging and keeps the reader enthralled until the very last word.  I loved Knox because he was a man who could see the writing on the wall and not fight the reality standing right in front of him.  Evelyn was a wonderful woman who when faced with reality chose to accept her feelings despite such a difficult past.  I enjoyed every moment of Knox and Evelyn’s love story and truly wish it the book never ended.  I highly recommend the writing of Marteeka Karland and the story of Knox and Evelyn.

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Interview with Mary Martinez 
Welcome, today we are talking with Mary Martinez! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let's delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about Mary Martinez that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website?

I love to run. I’m a former marathon and ½ marathon runner. Not that you could tell by looking at me. I have the furthest thing there is to a runner’s body! Now, because I have a knee replacement (because of my running) I only walk/run 5k’s. I will be running one tomorrow before the 4th of July parade in my little town of Magna, UT.

My favorite holidays are St. Paddy’s Day, Halloween, and Christmas, in that order.

I’m adopted. I found my birth mother ten years ago, we went ziplining. I found a half sister on my birth dad’s side; he had passed away so I didn’t get to meet him. And I found a niece on my birth mother’s side and one on my birth father’s side.

How long have you been writing?

I began my love of writing when I was in Jr. High school. I wrote a few short stories and they weren’t any good. Then I got involved in life and time passed by too quickly and I started writing again when my kids were younger. And again, life got busy with kids and a day job, to feed them. Then in the early 2000’s I said I’m writing. Most of the kids had moved out of the house so I converted one of the bedrooms into an office. I’ve been writing ever since.

What have you found most challenging about it?

Interruptions. When I’m in the zone, someone will call or text or walk into my office. I’m one of those people who cannot leave a text or an email unopen if I know it’s there.

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional?

I love it, it’s all of those things. I have been known to cry when my characters are hurt of sad.

Interview with Mary Martinez
Welcome, today we are talking with Mary Martinez! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let`s delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about Mary Martinez that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website?

I love to run. I’m a former marathon and ½ marathon runner. Not that you could tell by looking at me. I have the furthest thing there is to a runner’s body! Now, because I have a knee replacement (because of my running) I only walk/run 5k’s. I will be running one tomorrow before the 4th of July parade in my little town of Magna, UT.

My favorite holidays are St. Paddy’s Day, Halloween, and Christmas, in that order.

I’m adopted. I found my birth mother ten years ago, we went ziplining. I found a half sister on my birth dad’s side; he had passed away so I didn’t get to meet him. And I found a niece on my birth mother’s side and one on my birth father’s side.

How long have you been writing?

I began my love of writing when I was in Jr. High school. I wrote a few short stories and they weren’t any good. Then I got involved in life and time passed by too quickly and I started writing again when my kids were younger. And again, life got busy with kids and a day job, to feed them. Then in the early 2000’s I said I’m writing. Most of the kids had moved out of the house so I converted one of the bedrooms into an office. I’ve been writing ever since.

What have you found most challenging about it?

Interruptions. When I’m in the zone, someone will call or text or walk into my office. I’m one of those people who cannot leave a text or an email unopen if I know it’s there.

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional?

I love it, it’s all of those things. I have been known to cry when my characters are hurt of sad.

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Interview Edie Cay 
Welcome, today we are talking with Edie Cay! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let's delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.  

Can you share a little something about yourself that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website? 

I used to guide motorcycle tours in Alaska, and I am a terrible plant mom.  

How long have you been writing? 

I started writing in third grade because of my teacher, Mrs. Canavan. In fourth grade, on a rainy indoor-recess, I created a mosquito character that launched a series. My friends created other characters and then we copied out our books by hand (with illustrations!) and sold them to our classmates for ten cents a piece.  

I no longer do hand-illustrations.  

What have you found most challenging about it? 

I’ve been through a lot of iterations of writing. I’ve written plays, short stories, novels, reviews. The most challenging part changes every time. So I suppose that is the most challenging thing: it always changes. Every project is different.  

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional? 

Yes to all of the above. I can’t not do it. I’ve tried.  

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood? 

Strict. It has to be. I write 3000 words a day, five days a week, weekends off. I know other people write faster, others slower. But this is what I can do because I have a young kiddo, another part-time job, and two very demanding dogs.  

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job? 

Writing was the only job I ever wanted. However, I’ve also been a piano accompanist, piano teacher, and an echocardiographer, always writing on the side. Or wishing I was writing.  

What inspires you? 

Oh, here’s a cop-out answer: everything.

Interview Edie Cay
Welcome, today we are talking with Edie Cay! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let`s delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.  

Can you share a little something about yourself that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website? 

I used to guide motorcycle tours in Alaska, and I am a terrible plant mom.  

How long have you been writing? 

I started writing in third grade because of my teacher, Mrs. Canavan. In fourth grade, on a rainy indoor-recess, I created a mosquito character that launched a series. My friends created other characters and then we copied out our books by hand (with illustrations!) and sold them to our classmates for ten cents a piece.  

I no longer do hand-illustrations.  

What have you found most challenging about it? 

I’ve been through a lot of iterations of writing. I’ve written plays, short stories, novels, reviews. The most challenging part changes every time. So I suppose that is the most challenging thing: it always changes. Every project is different.  

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional? 

Yes to all of the above. I can’t not do it. I’ve tried.  

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood? 

Strict. It has to be. I write 3000 words a day, five days a week, weekends off. I know other people write faster, others slower. But this is what I can do because I have a young kiddo, another part-time job, and two very demanding dogs.  

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job? 

Writing was the only job I ever wanted. However, I’ve also been a piano accompanist, piano teacher, and an echocardiographer, always writing on the side. Or wishing I was writing.  

What inspires you? 

Oh, here’s a cop-out answer: everything.

5 0
Interview with C.D. Hersh 
Welcome, today we are talking with C.D. Hersh! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let's delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.  

Can you share a little something about yourself that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website? 

In addition to writing we love touring old houses, antiquing, singing, and going to the cottage on the lake. Catherine is also an avid gardener and has drawn Donald into her garden as a day laborer. They figure the couple who plays together and works together, stays together—and that's just what they aim to do. 

How long have you been writing? 

We’ve been writing since we were teenagers and we discovered our unique, collaborative abilities in the mid-90s, when we began writing drama at our church. In the summer of 2009 we discovered we could write romance together. 

What have you found most challenging about it? 

Most recently just sitting down to write has been challenging because life has been getting in the way. 

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional? 

Yes, it is fun when the story is rolling along or we are in the beginning stages of putting the plot together. Catherine has been known to cry when writing particularly emotional scenes. 

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood? 

Every book is different. Promised deadlines make us very disciplined. We actually took a laptop to the hospital while sitting with an ill friend. But when the muse evades us Catherine has been known to clean the house to avoid the computer. 

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job?

Interview with C.D. Hersh
Welcome, today we are talking with C.D. Hersh! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let`s delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.  

Can you share a little something about yourself that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website? 

In addition to writing we love touring old houses, antiquing, singing, and going to the cottage on the lake. Catherine is also an avid gardener and has drawn Donald into her garden as a day laborer. They figure the couple who plays together and works together, stays together—and that`s just what they aim to do. 

How long have you been writing? 

We’ve been writing since we were teenagers and we discovered our unique, collaborative abilities in the mid-90s, when we began writing drama at our church. In the summer of 2009 we discovered we could write romance together. 

What have you found most challenging about it? 

Most recently just sitting down to write has been challenging because life has been getting in the way. 

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional? 

Yes, it is fun when the story is rolling along or we are in the beginning stages of putting the plot together. Catherine has been known to cry when writing particularly emotional scenes. 

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood? 

Every book is different. Promised deadlines make us very disciplined. We actually took a laptop to the hospital while sitting with an ill friend. But when the muse evades us Catherine has been known to clean the house to avoid the computer. 

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job?

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Available Now Get the next book in the Paladin League adventure Wicked Suspicion @author_pattioshea On Sale PLUS Get a bonus read FREE #action #adventure #sizzlingromance

In the treacherous world of covert operations, Special Forces Sgt. Case “Lurch” Lundquist thrives on danger. Undercover as a gunrunner, he dances on the razor’s edge, avoiding rebel forces who hunt him relentlessly. But when his mission jeopardizes a woman’s life, he breaks the rules to protect her.

Nyx Templeton is no damsel in distress—usually. But this time, she’s out of her depth. She doesn’t trust the rugged mercenary who steps in, until she recognizes him from a picture she saw years earlier. He’s her brother’s best friend. She remains quiet, knowing one wrong word could cost him everything.

Case battles to stay focused, but Nyx is a distraction. When she boldly asks him to cash in her V-card, he can’t resist. It’s not just a yes—it’s a hell, yes!

But in the high-stakes game of arms dealing, every edge counts. Nyx unwittingly becomes a pawn, and Case must navigate a deadly web of betrayal to keep her safe. As shadows close in, their love becomes the ultimate weapon—one that could save them both or destroy everything they hold dear.

Wicked Suspicion is a gripping romantic suspense novel that combines heart-pounding action with sizzling chemistry. Readers will be on the edge of their seats as Case and Nyx fight for survival and love in a world where danger lurks around every corner.

Wicked Suspicion is a stand-alone romance with a HEA. There are references to events that happened in earlier books, but it's not necessary to read them to enjoy this story.

Indulge in a protective Special Forces hero and a heroine who knows how to take care of herself, but can admit when she’s in over her head. This romantic suspense story features an experienced hero and an inexperienced heroine who is keeping her identity as his best friend’s little sister a secret.

Available Now Get the next book in the Paladin League adventure Wicked Suspicion @author_pattioshea On Sale PLUS Get a bonus read FREE #action #adventure #sizzlingromance

In the treacherous world of covert operations, Special Forces Sgt. Case “Lurch” Lundquist thrives on danger. Undercover as a gunrunner, he dances on the razor’s edge, avoiding rebel forces who hunt him relentlessly. But when his mission jeopardizes a woman’s life, he breaks the rules to protect her.

Nyx Templeton is no damsel in distress—usually. But this time, she’s out of her depth. She doesn’t trust the rugged mercenary who steps in, until she recognizes him from a picture she saw years earlier. He’s her brother’s best friend. She remains quiet, knowing one wrong word could cost him everything.

Case battles to stay focused, but Nyx is a distraction. When she boldly asks him to cash in her V-card, he can’t resist. It’s not just a yes—it’s a hell, yes!

But in the high-stakes game of arms dealing, every edge counts. Nyx unwittingly becomes a pawn, and Case must navigate a deadly web of betrayal to keep her safe. As shadows close in, their love becomes the ultimate weapon—one that could save them both or destroy everything they hold dear.

Wicked Suspicion is a gripping romantic suspense novel that combines heart-pounding action with sizzling chemistry. Readers will be on the edge of their seats as Case and Nyx fight for survival and love in a world where danger lurks around every corner.

Wicked Suspicion is a stand-alone romance with a HEA. There are references to events that happened in earlier books, but it`s not necessary to read them to enjoy this story.

Indulge in a protective Special Forces hero and a heroine who knows how to take care of herself, but can admit when she’s in over her head. This romantic suspense story features an experienced hero and an inexperienced heroine who is keeping her identity as his best friend’s little sister a secret.

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Midnight Temptation - New Releases 
(July, 15th – July, 21st)

Serpent King’s Bride by Olivia Blair

Dark Mafia Romance

Don’t fall in love with your favorite toy.

The moment she caught me killing a rival gangster, I should have taken her out. Instead, I caught her and kept her, used her, and brought her into my deadly game. I thought I could have a bit of fun with her, but I might have just spelled my own doom.

Because like a fool, I fell in love… but now I realize she’s playing me. And we both might suffer the consequences… because if my father finds out who I let into our inner circle, he’ll kill us both.

But despite her lies, the pull I feel toward her hasn’t stopped. I know I need to punish her… but first, I need to figure out how I keep both of us alive.

Escape Clause by Cara Bristol

Sci-Fi Romance, Alien Romance

The only thing they can’t escape is love…

After a nano-virus devastates Caradonia, leaving the planet in desperate need of women, leader Krogan launches a last-ditch effort to save their civilization – convince men to accept human brides through Cosmic Mates.

Krogan himself has no time or desire for a wife. A driven workaholic, he’s focused on solving his planet’s problems and maintaining peace in the world. But his people look to him to set an example. If he doesn’t take a wife through Cosmic Mates no one else will either. Thankfully, there’s an escape clause, and at the end of the trial period, he intends to use it.


Fleeing a horrid and powerful man, Hope Bennett reluctantly agrees to a marriage of convenience with an alien. The last thing she desires is to be locked into an unwanted union. Been there, almost did that. Fortunately, the escape clause in the contract gives her an out, and when it’s safe, she can go home to Terra Nova.

Hope and Krogan promise each other a marriage in name only and vow to separate when the contract provisions are satisfied. But as they let down their guard, they recognize a kindred spirit in each other. Love and passion blossom, and each begins to long for a deeper, permanent union.

Just as their secret wishes are about to be fulfille...

Midnight Temptation - New Releases
(July, 15th – July, 21st)

Serpent King’s Bride by Olivia Blair

Dark Mafia Romance

Don’t fall in love with your favorite toy.

The moment she caught me killing a rival gangster, I should have taken her out. Instead, I caught her and kept her, used her, and brought her into my deadly game. I thought I could have a bit of fun with her, but I might have just spelled my own doom.

Because like a fool, I fell in love… but now I realize she’s playing me. And we both might suffer the consequences… because if my father finds out who I let into our inner circle, he’ll kill us both.

But despite her lies, the pull I feel toward her hasn’t stopped. I know I need to punish her… but first, I need to figure out how I keep both of us alive.

Escape Clause by Cara Bristol

Sci-Fi Romance, Alien Romance

The only thing they can’t escape is love…

After a nano-virus devastates Caradonia, leaving the planet in desperate need of women, leader Krogan launches a last-ditch effort to save their civilization – convince men to accept human brides through Cosmic Mates.

Krogan himself has no time or desire for a wife. A driven workaholic, he’s focused on solving his planet’s problems and maintaining peace in the world. But his people look to him to set an example. If he doesn’t take a wife through Cosmic Mates no one else will either. Thankfully, there’s an escape clause, and at the end of the trial period, he intends to use it.


Fleeing a horrid and powerful man, Hope Bennett reluctantly agrees to a marriage of convenience with an alien. The last thing she desires is to be locked into an unwanted union. Been there, almost did that. Fortunately, the escape clause in the contract gives her an out, and when it’s safe, she can go home to Terra Nova.

Hope and Krogan promise each other a marriage in name only and vow to separate when the contract provisions are satisfied. But as they let down their guard, they recognize a kindred spirit in each other. Love and passion blossom, and each begins to long for a deeper, permanent union.

Just as their secret wishes are about to be fulfille...

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