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Interview with Jasmine Hill


Welcome, today we are talking with Jasmine Hill! I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy writing schedule to answer a few questions. First, let’s delve into who you are. Some of the questions may be untraditional but you’d be surprised at what readers connect to, and sometimes the simplest ‘I can relate to that’ grabs their interest where nothing else can.

Can you share a little something about Jasmine Hill that’s not mentioned in your bio on your website?

I’ve visited BDSM clubs and taken pole dancing classes. All in the name of research of course…*winks*

How long have you been writing?

I published my first book in 2013, so… ten years. Wow, those years have flown!

What have you found most challenging about it?

Dealing with the inevitable writer’s block is always a challenge but I’ve found that putting my work down for a while and moving onto something else helps with this.

Taking a break allows me to reassess, gives me some breathing room and allows me to re-charge the creative juices.

What does writing do for you? Is it fun, cathartic, do you get emotional?

All of the above! It’s like reading is for me. It’s relaxing, fun, therapeutic and at times emotional.

Describe what your writing routine looks like. Are you disciplined with a strict schedule or do you have to be in the mood?

If I’m under a deadline I write to a strict schedule but if my delivery date for a story is more flexible. I’m not as meticulous with my routine and I can afford to take a few days to let my imagination flow.

Did you go into writing thinking that it would be a hobby or a job?

It started as more of a hobby for me but being able to make some money out of doing something I love, is fabulous.

What inspires you?

I get inspiration from many places. For example, my novel “Lillian’s Light Horseman”, was loosely based on the story of my husband’s grandfather. For “Under His Dominance”, I based the story around Asmodeus, one of the seven archdemons, the archdemon of lust. The idea of the seven archangels versus the seven archdemons fascinated me and inspired my male character.

Let’s move on and give readers some insight into your personal life.

 What are your pet peeves?

Food fads! At present, everything in Australia seems to be served with aioli, and sourdough is often the only bread option on the menu. Another pet peeve is rude/inconsiderate behavior — life is too short for that.

 Who is your hero?

There are many people who I consider heroes, however, in keeping to the theme of writing, I’m going to say, Jane Austen. She defied the expected conventions of her day by not settling down, marrying and having children. She was an incredible author and her ability to observe society and turn those observations into insightful, satirical, amusing, and romantic stories, was one of her best talents. She was truly a remarkable woman and novelist.

Give us one thing on your bucket list.

I’d love to live in a lighthouse. Or more accurately, the house attached to one. Random, I know, but there it is.

What would readers find surprising about you?

I was in the Australian military, and I don’t suppose that fits with an erotic romance author profile *laughs*. I’ve also lived in India, Italy and Spain and when I was nine, I lived for a short period in the U.S.

If you could go to heaven, who would you visit?

My grandparents. I was close to all of them and thankfully, they’re the closest people I have up there. Oh, I’d also have to make a nuisance of myself and seek out all my fav authors. And I’d have to cuddle my pooches past of course.

Now that our readers know who Jasmine Hill is let’s get down to the business of your book, Candy Canes and Cuffs, Sold to the Billionaire, which will be released on December five.

Please tell us a little bit about, Candy Canes and Cuffs.

“Candy Canes and Cuffs” is part of the TEG “Sold to the Billionaire” collection. It’s a Christmas themed, BDSM erotic romance. The Billionaire Submissive Auction is the event of the year where Billionaire Doms bid on a submissive for Christmas… It’s also set in Australia where our festive season is hot. So, a little something different to a white Christmas.

What was your hardest challenge writing this book?

Coming up with a storyline that wasn’t just about dungeons, spankings and bondage. I also wanted some emotional tension and conflict between the protagonists.

What kind of research did you have to do?

Fortunately, not a lot for this one. It’s a contemporary and set in Sydney, so I wrote about what I know.

What in your opinion makes good chemistry between your leading characters?

A good balance of emotional tension, sexual attraction and personal growth.

How many books do you plan to write in this collection?

This is the only book I will write for this collection, but you can find other TEG books as part of the “Sold to the Billionaire” compilation.

Any other works in progress?

I’m currently halfway through book two of a Men in Uniform series. There will be three books in total and I’m having loads of fun writing it.

Any advice for aspiring authors?

Read as much as you can in the genre in which you want to write. But most importantly, don’t give up and have fun!

Final words?

Thank you so much for having me. Also, a big thank you to my readers.

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